They're Only ➵ Chapter 11

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I feel a hand clasp down on my shoulder and I turn to see Matthew and I give him a smile, "Hey, how was your break to devour turkey?" He says with a smile of his own. I've come to know that Matthew is a big sweetheart and very funny, just like I tell everyone—he's good company.

"We devoured more than turkey, but it was nice. My boyfriend came down from his college and we spent most of our time together," I nod my head at him, "I wouldn't be surprised if I gained a few pounds."

"Same here," Matthew laughs and pats his stomach, he opens the door for me that leads to the canteen. I just finished my class and I'm going to lunch now, due to exams Will or Christina will not be attending. Lynn usually eats isolated from people or spend her extra time in the library where it's quiet. "We could meet up at the on campus gym later."

"That sounds great, Matthew." I nod my head at him, instead of going home to take a nap, I can buy some gym clothes here for cheap and get Christina to come back and take me home. "Let's start with the diet." I give him a look and he bites his lip and groans before grabbing us both salads.

"I'm going to need this because I ate so many carbs, how about after our last class? We can go to the campus merchandise store and get some clothes." He asks me and I nod my head, we pay for our lunch and find a table by the windows, "How are your exams going?" He puts his dressing on his salad before taking a large bite.

"Well, I only got 2 to go. I'm glad because it will be Winter break soon."

"Same here, my mom makes a butt load of cookies every weekend starting in December. Why? I don't know. She's always did that to get in the holiday spirit." Matthew shrugs his shoulders, "But, when we feel like we're in shape, I'm gonna bring you some. Hopefully she'll stop making them though, she gets flour everywhere. What does your mom do?"

I let out a little sigh, "Well since my dad died and my mom busied herself in the medical field, my brother and I decorate the house. But the days she's off, we would sit on the couch and drink hot chocolate that's all dolled up," My smile widens at the memories, "I'm talking about candy canes, marshmallows, whipped cream, chocolate shavings, chocolate straws. All of that, and we would watch movies on ABC until we all fell asleep."

"I'm coming over your house!" Matthew shouts and a few people look to our direction and heat floods my cheeks a bit, "But I don't want your boyfriend choking me when he finds me asleep on your couch in my onesie." I laugh harder than I should at that image, even though it's kind of true.

"I'm laughing because he might drag you out into the cold and lock the door, he's just like that." I wipe my eye with the palm of my hands, "But does your mom only make cookies? No cake? Pie?"

"Nope," Matthew pops the 'p', "Only chocolate and sugar cookies, something about my grandmother's traditional recipe. My moms the very cliché type where I come home and she has an apron on while she drinks red wine." He shakes his head, grimacing as he does.

"Lucky you." I mutter with a chuckle, Matthew and I continue to eat our lunch laughing at our childhood memories and old television shows and before I know it, I'm back in hell.


The steam from the shower fogs up the mirror, I wipe it off with my towel leaving unpleasant streaks that I'm going to have to clean up later. I look at my face and bite my lip, nothing has changed in the past year, I just look more tired than usual.

My phone rings and I quickly leave the bathroom with my towel wrapped on my head, I just got back from our school gym with Matthew and it was funny watching him try to impress me with large weights—he was as red as a tomato.

I see Christina's face and number on my screen and I answer it with a small smile forming on my face, "You called me? I was expecting a text." I joke and she mock laughs me, "What's up?"

"Nothing, I just wanted to see if you made it home on time. Sorry I couldn't pick you up." The plans were for Christina to take me home, but something came up at her house so Matthew made sure I got home safe and sound, "Don't let Four find out about you now getting rides. He might come here in less than an hour and choke ole' Matty." I roll my eyes and let out a sigh, everyone thinks that.

"Christina, I already told you he trusts me. Now, he's going to have to accept that I have a friend. I'm not going to leave him or do what he did back last year. We're simply friends."

"Okay, it just seems as if Matthew is another Al." My brain wonders to where Al is, he never told us what college he was going to but he did mention going back home to Michigan—he might meet Tobias there.  "But then again, Four got over that."

"Yes he did, I trust him with Lauren and he needs to trust me with Matthew. That's all we need, trust."

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