They're Only ➵ Chapter 16

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My mouth falls to the floor in shock. Caleb? My innocent brother who used to collect Pokémon cards and fold his underwear, my innocent brother who never went to parties or had a drop of alcohol. I never would have guessed he would get Susan pregnant before marriage.

"She hasn't told her parents yet and they're the really prestigious kind, they would kill me and disown Susan." Caleb let's out a ragged sigh, "I-I don't know what I'm going to do because I'm in no position to get thrown out and find an apartment for Susan, myself, and the baby." I feel bad for him. He has to go through all of this while knowing his bright future has to come to a halt.

"She's keeping the baby?" I question and he glares at me.

"Of course she's keeping it, Tris! We're not going to terminate the baby, even how much this is a screwup." He narrows his green eyes at me that are full of worry, sadness, and frustration. I sigh, sitting beside him on his bed. "I don't know what I'm going to do."

"Well, once you tell mom and Susan tells her parents. I can help out with the amount of doctors appointments, and even go to them with you," I take a breath, "I'm really surprised, I'll call and check up on her tomorrow. Don't worry, I'll be there for her."


"Tobias?" He hums and I feel the vibration go through my head, "Susan's pregnant." I trust Tobias enough to tell him anything even if it's family business, we share things like that and he helps me cope through problems.

"What?" I look up from the crook of his neck, ignoring my television in the background. Confusion floods his face and I swing my leg over his waist.

"Caleb got her pregnant. He told me while you were in the shower. I can't believe that he got her pregnant. Now, they don't know what to do because Susan's parents will most likely kick her out." I shake my head, "It's horrible, but I offered to help them out with the doctors appointments. I just don't know where she's going to stay."


"How would you react if I told you that I were pregnant?" Silence is the response that he gives me and a pang of hurt goes through my chest. So many thoughts rush through my head; Would he leave me? How would he treat me? Would he even want to stay with me once the baby gets here? I sit up slightly, his t-shirt I'm wearing, falling off the side of my shoulder. "Tobias?" Hurt is evident in my voice and Tobias widens his eyes.

"Sh*t, Tris." Tobias runs his large hands over his face and actually starts breathing again, "That's pretty scary, Tris. I want to have kids with you, as many as possible. But, knowing that I'm in Michigan just makes it worse because I have to finish getting my education and I can't be at every appointment and who knows if I'm going to be there for you when you go into labor. We're not ready, and I don't know what would happen between the two of us."

"So, you think that we aren't strong enough to care for a baby?"

"No, I'm not saying that. You said it yourself about Caleb, if it's going to be hard for them and they're in Chicago together. What makes you think it's okay, for us to be successful, with me more than 10 miles away?" Tobias expression becomes cold, and his voice turns hard, "You aren't pregnant are you?"

"If I am?" I question, sitting up fully to cross my arms over my chest. Even if I were to be pregnant, I could tell that Tobias would be pissed. Just seeing his reaction now is upsetting. I roll my eyes at Tobias, "No, Tobias, I'm not pregnant. We haven't even had sex in a while, so you can calm down. It's just the fact that―" Our conversation gets cut off when we hear a shout. It sounds like my mom and Caleb, he must have just told her.

I sigh, placing my head on my legs. Even though this is Caleb's screw up, things are going to change drastically for the Prior family.


Saturday would usually be one of my favorite days to just relax while sleeping in, but instead I have to cook with my mother because The Black's are coming over for dinner so Susan and Caleb can confess to their parent's. It's been a while since I saw Mrs. Tana Black and Mr. Tyler Black. Robert and I used to hang out a lot when we were little like Susan and Caleb did, not as much as Christina and I though. Tobias will be joining us at dinner and I hope he doesn't get upset with Robert.

"Do you think this is enough food?" Mom asks frantically, "I mean, do you think it looks okay?" She stares at the dishes of food; Seared tri-tip Rosemary crusted steak—marinated in lemon basil pesto, mashed potatoes, and garlic roasted string beans. The Black's like food like this, they are far from snooty—more selfless than expected.

But, they like being more formal than casual. My mom also does this to impress them, even though she doesn't want to admit it; they intimidate her and she likes to out do them and make it seem like we have a perfect life.

"Yes, it looks like the perfect dish to tell them that your son got their angel of a daughter, pregnant." She glares at me and I let out a little sigh.

"Watch your mouth, it's already bad enough I'm going to be a grandma this young."

"I'm sorry, it's hard to wrap around my mind. That I'm going to be an aunt." I run my hand through my curls that cascade over my sweater dress, "The cake is in the oven and the table is set, you can go get ready." I glance at her stain splattered shirt and she nods at me before running up the steps.

I go to the living room and sit beside my boyfriend, waiting for The Black's.

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