A/N: Raven suks!!! She want ta GC concert witout meeeeee!!!!! 😱😵 So ima writin dis story by meself!!!!!
Trump's POV
i h8 nut being winnar zo i waz deprezzed at da fact dat Hilarry waz winning in the poolsI 8 my dinner en da bathtub den i turned on da emo radio n devil danced en my room for a while. Den it cam to me dat da Goff life waz fur meee!!!!!
Demicats were Prepz! An i wanted a bedder lif den dem n i new dat mor den 75% of Amuricans r goffic, so it wuld help in the elaction.
Zo i went Hot Topic n wit a small loan off a million dollas i bought theyr antire cloths line XD!!
I put on fishnats, eyelyner, corsett, (n lotsa blak leather too XD).
Den i stole a taxicab mugged da driver #gothicthuglife n drove ta a 21pielots concert where i fangurled all nite. (I even screemed da lyriks ta "Tear en my Hart" reely loud thro a megafone XD).
I proved ta b part of da 21pilots fandumb when i jumped on stage en showred Jos Dun en small loans of a million dollas. I waz depezzed bcuz he said dat he didn't want da $$!$! 😰😩😅😖:( #EMO
i went home, binged on all my twinkies den i tweeted
"H8rs n lozers, u shoul b scared off me now im a Goffik XD"
(wit attched pic of me in ripped skinny jeans n tattoo necklase choker XD)
and...den i read Twylight bcuz it haz Vampires it must b goffik, rite?! N i decided to mak Edward vs. Jacob a Sumpreme Court Case.
XDXDXDXD ... im sooo deprezzd n lonely - butt atleast im GOFF N CEWL!!! I haf mor Twitter follos den Hilarity!!!!! #goals

Fanfiction[#12 in humor] Trump is an emo teenager who acts really moody and wears a lot of black. His wife, Melancholy Trump, is - well - melancholy. VP Pence is a pansy - And Vladimir Putin is a secret lover ... and Biden repeatedly pranks the white house.