Emo trump flet a feelingz for s certan man whoo entrared his dobby at trump tower ...
his nam was kanyee wist, he had blondd hare and tan skin ( IT WAZ NUT BLAK, OK. KINYE IS NUT BLCK HE JUS HAS A SPARY TAN LIK TRUMP BT NUT A SEDUCKIVE ORANDGE CLOR)kane brussed past secureity and found emo trump (his infamoose #oine twitter fan). Trump did a fangirl. Kyne blished, it waz luff @ fist site.
"Melanie is a terrible 1st ladi, wil u be min in steed?!2!" askd trumpg, hopng it waz nut an awktward thing 2 say.
"Y nut?" shruged Kyane.
"what's hour ship nam?" he wondred.
"Kump or Trumye, ur choose"

Fanfiction[#12 in humor] Trump is an emo teenager who acts really moody and wears a lot of black. His wife, Melancholy Trump, is - well - melancholy. VP Pence is a pansy - And Vladimir Putin is a secret lover ... and Biden repeatedly pranks the white house.