the legend of good "Biden"

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Joe Biden was an evil genius. he luv white haus. white haus luv joe. they were on a first name basis and could not be seperated, especially by an immature, racist cheeto.

so, biden set up his plans, to boob the white haus with traps and latinos.

"it great fun was" claimed Biden 50 years later in a documentary through a luigi board, "reason this was why was cuz i had fire bombs blow to kill up Trump the"

"fire bomb plan no work, bye white haus, bye, Trump. sad i was that white haus up blew but i knew that Trump up blew too , so all good!"

*Biden was later convicted of treason, and archbishopry, the commited to an insane asylum where he worked as a dream interperter claiming to be the biblical joeseph

*Trump, in fact, did not, blow up, in fact, because, in fact, he left the white house to pick up taco bell at the time


XD 100% shure i was on someteng wen i rote dis lolfamlol

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