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Narator-chan POV:

Trump led his bada$h  sweetheart down the aisle, flipping his emo hair left and right like a 2008 Justin Beiber.

All day, Trump had been daydreaming about his humble aesthetic wedding. He couldn't wait to fill his Instagram with brag-posts featuring billions of dollars worth of decor and hundreds of coveted celeb selfies.

"Hey BAË" said the Trump, as Hilsary entered the Trump TM chapel.

"HI, TRUMPY-POO" Holarry hollered as she gave a grandmother-on-too-many-meds-look.

Trump gulped, a typical nervous bridegroom before his wedding. "BYE", timidly, he ran away.

"SEE U @ THE PAR-TAY!!!!!!!1!1!1!1!1!!!!!!!" yelled Hiñarity, while giving off a psychotic witch vibe.

Watching her bridegroom flee in terror,  she said to herself, "Awwwwwh, he's so darn cute!"

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