DA CORPS BRIDE (geddit cuz im goffik and datz a movi)

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A/N: Me n Drako r faddin marred. we r a cute cuplae HE S DA LUV FO MEH DABPRAZZING LIF. (shoot out! DrakoMafloy I LOAF U BAË!1!1!}

"hay" sayz Trumpf wit sucidie in his tone. "i luv at hillary linton, but i am suoo usiesd 2 d8ing modalz dat i m nut ezactly atracled 2 her"

"ikr" i speechez. "i hav a boi hiz nam is Drako bt i cheetahed un him unce wit a sexy Vampir"

"datz zo Kawai" sad Trump interigged (c i speld dat rite!1!). Leening 2 closi.

"BAK OF" i yalled @ him. clutching meh corsatty stuf. " i know i lok lik a supper model butt im off limats now" " im gaytting marrowed"

"i gut marriaged 69 tims, trus meh, iyz nut dat espacisl" he sad in2 my oar.

"u lik boiz?"

"no, butt, ive hat enoff exe's und oh's to fill up a game of tic tac toe"

"dat jokez zoo lam" i reeleased, *gasp* ...... TRUMP WAZ A POSER!1!1!!1!1!1!1!1!1!1!!1!

EMO TRUMPWhere stories live. Discover now