Kim Jong Un is short and fat!1!1

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Today, Kim Jong Frickin Un kalled me "old". Im not sure is he waz flirting with me (i heer he liks "old" men) or if he's trying to INSALT me!!1!1! EATHER WAY HES SHORT AND FAT AND UGGGGGGLY!!1!1!1 I don't care if my tweets cauz a nuclear war; IM PETTY AND WANT REVANGE!!!!1!1

Ps. I know I'm not "old" bc people say i hav the mentaLITy of a 5yearold

Pss. Isn't Kim a girl's name? Nuke me and prove that ur not a ******
psss U SUK!!!666

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 18, 2017 ⏰

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