Trump was riding along the woods and one day he found a baby whaped in colth so he got off his horse and went to the baby and then Trump said"who left you here little one"and then the baby just cryed and then Trump picked her up and hold her and then the baby stoped crying and then Trump said"your name is going be Ivanka" then Trump the baby went onto the horse and went back to the castle where he said"father mother I found this little baby in the woods and then Trump mother got up and walked down and said"how can people put baby in the woodsand to die".Then Trump father said"have a loan of a million dollars to help supiurt he"and then Trump was happy for someriseing.
A bunch of yeers latr
Trump got up and went into Ivanka's room and said"good moring"and then Ivanka said "good moring too".Then Trump said"whats a matter"and then Trump said"Trump I want to know how to make money" Then Trump said"Ok"and then Trunp said"first you get dresses and have something to eat and then we will go for a buisness lesson".Mean while Biden and Obama was rideing towards where Trump lived and then Biden said"Obama I did not know Trump had a sister"and then Obama said"actually that his his daughter ".Mean While in Islam the dark lord was planing to kidnap the princess Truump but not the boss of ISIS came and said"I'll get her for you sir"and then the Dank lord said"yes you can".
Mean while Trump and Ivanka was horseriding and Ivanka said"Trump whos that"and then Trump looked and it was Obama said"that is Obama and Biden" and then Biden SAID "TRUMP"and then Trump said"Biden long time seen" and then Biden said"hows you"and then Trump said"I am emo now"and then Obama said"whos this then"and then Trump said"meet Ivanka I found her in the woods when she was just a baby". Ivanka was shy at first and then Trump said" Ivanka come and meet Biden and Obama and then Ivanka said"hello I am Ivanak". Trump said"she is the Republican princess"and then Biden said"she is so cute"and then TRUMP said"that will be my falut"and then Obama said"why"and then Ivanka said"he protects me thats why"and then Trump looked up and said"I think we should go back to the castle"and then Ivanak said"I can feel it too".
Trump said"do you want to stay for a night"and then Obama and Biden said"yes please"and then they had tea and went to the night Obama ask the gards to keep an eye on Ivanak's while the Muslims climed up the window and grabed Ivanka and then Ivanka woke up and screamed and then the gard went into her room and saw lots of Mulsims and then Trump down the Trump said"where is Ivanka?" and then the gards said"the Muslims took her".
Mean while the Muslims was back at Syria and then Ivanka said"put me down"and then the Muslims did and then the Dank lord came out of the fire and said"welcome Ivanka" and then Ivanka looked at him and said"no it can't be"and then she tryed to run away but the Muslims got the Dank lord said"put her into the cell and bet her and also do what ever you want with her but do not kill her".Then the Muslims took her to the cell and trow her into the cell and then they shut the go up and went to the window and looked out and she was wishing that Trump or someone will save while back at the White House Trump was getting the army ready to go and save while Ivanka sitting on the floor and then the door opened and it was some Muslims and the Muslims tied Laura with some chains and then one of the Muslims striped her and then he creped her and then Ivanka said"go away you bastard".Then another Muslim came with a whip and whiped her hard and then the Muslims all togeter bet her almost to death and then the Dank Lord came in with a tube of Posion and then he injeted into Ivanka.
To bee continued

Fanfiction[#12 in humor] Trump is an emo teenager who acts really moody and wears a lot of black. His wife, Melancholy Trump, is - well - melancholy. VP Pence is a pansy - And Vladimir Putin is a secret lover ... and Biden repeatedly pranks the white house.