Trump Pvop
lik Frankiensteyen i waz razed frum da ded
Hitlery Klutin waz a secrate cereal ass-assin
i waz da 1th, lasst, and first name on her hitleist
... but;& imeanistillluvher ☺️☺️☺️
I decidad dat da best waay to attarakt Hiliterry waz to play hard hard to get ... zo i eclaired nuclear warfair on her body.
the congrez waz apaulled dat i wuld attact so perzonally ... but im DUH emo exe-cute-ive brantch, and wat i sayz goez ,OKOKOKOOKK?! GUT DAT?!
Fanfiction[#12 in humor] Trump is an emo teenager who acts really moody and wears a lot of black. His wife, Melancholy Trump, is - well - melancholy. VP Pence is a pansy - And Vladimir Putin is a secret lover ... and Biden repeatedly pranks the white house.