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Normani Kordei Hamilton - Gray.

"So you didn't tell me where you two were going." My best friend squeals excitedly. "Where to this time? Brazil? Rio? Spain? Barbados? God, I've always wanted to go to Barbados." She says and I chuckle at the fact of her being more excited for this trip than I am.

"I'm not really sure." I tell her honestly. "He was like, pack a bag and lets go." I shrug as I throw some of my already folded clothes into the bag.

She nods but then her facial expression changes, almost as if she's thinking. "So where do you think he's taking you?"

"I don't know." I shrug. "You know that he's full of surprises."

"Where would you like him to take you?" She asks, folding some of my clothes too.

"Maybe... maybe to London. I've never been to London." I bite my lip in thought. "Or India."

"India?" She pulls a face. "That place is so damn overcrowded, there's not even space for a thought."

"I'm not going there to go fill up space Lani." I roll my eyes. "I'm going there to experience the culture and stuff. I mean they make really good food, they're really expressive with their culture."

"Yeah, but overcrowding is disgusting. Imagine all that hot air all over you all the damn time. That's a place where you never walk alone." She pulls a face.

"Lani!" I scold the older woman and throw one of my shirts at her.

"What? Try living at my house when all my cousins decide to visit." She shudders.

"Yeah whatever." I roll my eyes and allow the large suitcase to rest on the floor. "Help me with this."

She nods and hops off of my bed, taking the suitcase by its handle and wheeling it out of the room. Once she gets to the stairs, she turns to me. "I thought you said that I should help you."

"You are helping me." I shrug.

"Yeah but I'm doing this all alone." She nods at the luggage.

"Just be lucky that its not two." I tell her honestly before walking down the stairs.

She grunts as she follows with my belongings but I pay her no mind as I look around for my man.

But instead, I find Becky.

Not that she doesn't have good hair, but I seriously don't like her. She has the most annoying speaking voice in the world and is way too full of herself for someone who looks like that if you ask me, but she's his friend and I don't stop my man from having friends.

Even if she is all over him all the time, I've come to learn that she's a very touchy person.

"He's getting the other stuff in the car." She says, before I can even greet her.

Another thing, she's so damn forward, I just can't...

"Okay." I force a smile and turn around to see Kehlani finally down the stairs and heaving. "Why are you so tired? Isn't this your every day job?"

"I'm a dancer. Not a body builder Mani." She corrects me.

"Yeah, stop working Lani so hard, she has it hard enough with me. And I make her run."

"Shut up." She growls at my husband.

I giggle as he wraps an arm around my waist and leans down to peck my lips. "Ready to go?" He asks, putting his dimples on display.

I nod and he goes to move, but I tighten my hold around his neck. "Only if you tell me where we're going."

He chuckles. "No can do babe, you'll see when we get there. Now get your fine ass into the car, it's been waiting for ages."

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