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Normani Kordei Hansen.

"Dinah, you're killing my hand." I mumble and she stops digging her nails into my hand

"Sorry." She mutters. "I just really hate flying."

"Me too." I agree. "I don't do it often though."

"I've only done it once before this, on the way here." She admits. "And it was scary as hell because it was storming."

"Yeah well it's not storming tonight and you have me." I tell her with a smile and rub my thumb over the back of her hand.

"Right." She rests her head on my shoulder. "You still haven't told me where we're going though."

"I meant not to, and I won't." I smirk.

She rolls her eyes. "Whatever. I'm going to sleep seeing as I won't survive the flight with my eyes open and you're not entertaining me."

"And you've been running around all day."

"And I've been running around all day." She agrees and gets comfortable. "Night Mani."

"Good Night Dinah." I yawn too and in no less that two minutes, she's asleep.

I wish I could do that.

I sigh and try to sleep, but this Kehlani thing is really working on me right now. I hope that Ally is over there and that Kehlani hasn't done anything stupid.

She's my best friend and I would have stayed, but Dinah... Dinah is my wife and I've wanted to do this for her for a long time.

Actually I've been wanting to do this for her ever since I realized that I have feelings for her and now that I know for a fact that I love her, or that I am in love with her, this trip is exactly my way to express that.

I try staring at her, but the way she's sleeping makes it hard for me, so I instead close my eyes and try to fall asleep as well.

But it seems that my nap only lasted ten minutes because when I open my eyes, I feel tired as hell.

"We're about to land." The man who woke me up announces. "You might need to wake your friend over there."

"Thanks." I grumble and rub the sleep out of my eyes as he walks away.

"Dinah." I nudge the blonde. "Dinah."

She doesn't respond and only clings tighter onto my body.

"Dinah." I say loudly once more and she groans.

"What is it Mani?"

I'm at that stage where her grumpiness after being woken up doesn't faze me anymore.

"We're about to land."

She groans again and mumbles profanities under her breath before lifting her head and also wiping the sleep out of her eyes.

Just then, I feel my insides jumping and Dinah immediately holds onto my hand.

"What kind of a fucking plane doesn't tell you that you're going down?" Dinah hisses as she digs her nails into my hand.

Dinah is a sucker for keeping her nails long, but her and Ally had had a very lengthy discussion about how it affects the hygiene of the patient and how it could do some serious damage to any organs she may be handling.

I'm grateful that Ally told her to cut her nails now, because if she hadn't I'm sure that she would have drawn blood.

"Well this one." I barely get out because Dinah is cutting off my circulation.

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