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Normani Kordei Hansen.

"I'm so tired." Tori whines. "This bitch sleeps as if she's got cockroaches and shit up her pussy." She nods at a distracted Zendaya.

"I'm so hungry." Lauren whines about having skipped dinner last night.

Apparently skipping one meal hurts Lauren so bad.

"Me too." Tori pouts, rubbing at her stomach.

Lauren, in turn, glares at the blonde. "It's your damn fault that everything is wrong."

"No it isn't." Tori defends herself. "It's Mani's fault too. She's the reason I'm tired."

"Bitch it's not my fault they assigned me a white roommate." I shrug. "And blame your being tired on someone that decided to wake us up at four am this morning." I glare at Zendaya.

"It's not my fault that my time was messed up, I set it for six." She shrugs as if it's okay to wake people up at four.

"So, when we get home, can we all go out for dinner?" Tori asks hopefully.

"No." Lauren, Zendaya and I reply in unison.

"I honestly just want to get home, take a shower and go to bed." I tell her honestly. "Sorry Syphtori."

"You can't go to sleep now anyway." Lauren tells me, causing me to groan. "We haven't gotten the word about our results."

"Dammit." I mumble, looking out the window at the rain falling on the window.

"So Mani, what did Big H want to talk to you about last night?" Zendaya asks, putting her phone down.

"Big H?" Lauren asks, glaring at Z. "What are you? Five?"

"Whatever." Z dismisses Lauren. "Now what did she say?"

"She was just telling me to choose my friends wisely." I frown. "She was being very cryptic. I think she was indirectly telling me that I failed my boards."

"Or she was just warning you that Lauren may rape you in the future." Zendaya shrugs.

Lauren reaches over and hits the back of Zendaya's head.

"I won't rape Mani. The time that we will have sex, it will be consensual." Lauren shrugs.

I roll my eyes at her. "Seriously, I think that she was low-key tryna tell me 'listen, it was a great run, but you didn't make it, I'm sorry.' You know she's like Ally, they always beat around the bush." I grumble.

"Well Allyson is her mother's daughter." Z shrugs. "Now back to what's important... none of us are failing our test. You got it? Not even Lauren."

"Try me again Coleman. I haven't slept in over fourteen hours and I'm all hopped up on caffeine. Insult me again, I dare you." She says, causing Zendaya to smack her lips I response.

"I'm serious. We didn't fail and if one of us did... you guys have the right to kick my ass." Zendaya smiles.

"Can I kick your ass for the fun of it?" Lauren asks, raising her hand.

"Can I record?" Tori asks.

"Nobody is kicking anybody else's ass." I reply to both Tori and Lauren. "Daya is right. We worked our asses off on these tests. We deserve."

"Oh look at the two negative Nancies, spreading positivity." Lauren rolls her eyes playfully.

"I'm pretty sure that its not negative Nancy." Tori says to Lauren.

"Yeah well, it goes something along the lines of Negative something. Leave me alone, I don't indulge in stupid names and games." Lauren grumbles. "As much as I'd hate to say it, Coleman is right. We've worked way too hard these past couple of years. We're going to make it."

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