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Normani Kordei Hamilton - Gray (or maybe not)

"Wait wait wait." My grandmother shakes her head. "Explain this to me."

"Mom." My mother whines tiredly. "Mani has already explained this like five times. The marriage certificate either doesn't exist or has disappeared into thin air. Point is, her and Bryshere aren't married."

"This is the work of the devil." Grandma insists. "He always comes to prey on innocent people and their happiness."

I look out the window, done with the conversation.

What was supposed to be my anniversary in my favourite place with my favourite people, turned into exactly the opposite.

It's been a hellish week for me. It took two days for my parents to understand and three for his.

"Where is the boy anyway?" Grandma asks, handing my mother her cup and her saucer.

"He went out with Dad." I sigh.

No matter how pissed my dad is, he really loves B. I think it's because he's always wanted a son, but instead he ended up with three daughters.

They bond over everything. Sports, music, outdoors-y things.

"What are they doing?" She asks.

"I think they went out to get the wood for the barbecue tonight." My mother replies, finishing drying the dishes and sitting down next to me.

"Do we really have to have the barbecue?" I ask, playing with my fingers.

"You don't want to see the family?" My mother asks, confused.

I feel her eyes on me and sigh. "Of course I want to see them, but I have my pride."

"What do you mean?"

"What I mean, is that I can't just go out there and pretend everything is good when it isn't. My life was planned out. I should have been pregnant by now."

"I know Normani." My mother sighs. "But sometimes things don't always go one way for a reason."

"Please call me when you know what that reason is." I tell her and excuse myself from the table. "I'm going to Jilly's. I'll be back in time for the barbecue." I announce. "Hopefully." I add under my breath.

"Tell her that I said hey, and that she can come over tonight. Get Candece too, I miss my kids." My mother says.

I nod and take my keys from the kitchen counter before pecking my mother and grandma's cheeks.


"I swear they just got engaged the other day. Why the hell did I not know about this?" Jilly asks as she stares at her phone in disbelief.

"Bitch who got married?" Candece asks, snatching the phone out of Jilly's hands.

She, in turn, sighs and drags her fingers through my hair. "Ciara and Russel Wilson."

"I don't see why you're so down." Candece shakes her head. "OTP material."

"Yeah, but I didnt know the wedding was today." Jilly replies, shaking her head.

"Get over it." Candece throws the phone at Jilly. "They look happy."

"They look happy because he's going to get some bomb ass pussy and she's going to finally see how big his dick is." She replies, picking her phone up and scrolling through it. "I don't know how he lasted that long without getting it in. I mean look at her." Jilly shoves the phone in my face. "This woman is underrated, walking perfection."

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