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Normani Kordei Hamilton.

"Hey Mani." Ally, the chief of surgery greets me.

I didn't understand how she became chief, because she is basically a little ball of sunshine, but the first time someone didn't do their job right... I understood.

"Hey Dr. Hernandez." I force a smile on my face and put my stethoscope back around my neck.

She looks around quickly. "Cut the bullshit. Im Ally now."

I sigh loudly. "Yes Ally?"

"Come with me real quick." She says, giving me no time to object as she pulls me out of the patients view and into the hallway.

She lets go of my arm, opening her door and looking inside. "Come on." She beckons me in.

I furrow my brows but follow her in anyway.

She closes the blinds and I'm immediately creeped out. "Are you going to rape me or something? I mean I have my pager right here, 911 is the number."

She rolls her eyes. "Sit down."

I gulp and sit down on her soft beige couch.

Perks of being chief of surgery.

I'm working towards being the chief of surgery but at the moment, I'm chief resident.

That comes with perks too, even though the other residents always invade my space.

It's cool though, because we're family. We've stuck with each other since we were all interns.

Another perk is the mini fridge I have there, along with my candy drawer, but they all know that if they mess with that, there will be hell to pay.

"So how was Houston?" She asks, pouring herself a cup of tea. "Want a cup?"

"No thanks." I decline politely. "Uh it was cool I guess. Why are you asking?"

"Okay you've got me." She sighs and sits down. "I've been going crazy without you. The residents are running mad, the interns are just all plain stupid or slow and the new Neurosurgeon... Dont even get me started on his fine ass."

I chuckle to myself. Ally is two years older than me, but she's a prodigy, so when I was an intern, she was already a resident.

She was my resident.

We hit it off one day and now we're basically best friends, outside the workplace.

"So you tryna tap it or nah?" I joke.

She rolls her eyes. "I honestly don't think that my mother would approve if I was dating her handpicked surgeon that's number one in the entire country."

Ally's mother owned the hospital, well 80% of it, meaning that she could make anyone disappear with the snap of her fingers.

"Yeah well I didn't say that you have to date him." I roll my eyes playfully. "He could just be a hit and run."

"He's too fine to be a hit and run. You should see him Mani. Tall, light skin, blue eyes, pink lips. And his body, oh my God. I literally walked in on him half naked by accident." She gushes.

"Okay, somebody has a little crush." I joke, crossing one leg over the other.

"Shut up." She growls playfully. "Now you never told me about your trip?"

"I did. I said that it was good. And how did you know that I went to Houston?" I ask, cocking a brow.

Bryshere knows better than to lie to me and Ally even more so.

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