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Normani Kordei Hansen.

"I like this one." Lani points at a house on the screen.

"But look at the backyard." I cringe. "I'm not into green swimming pools."

"Right. How about this one?" She asks, pointing at the next one that immediately came up.

"You're not even trying now." I roll my eyes.

"Can you blame me?"

"What do you mean?" I ask, confused.

"I mean I need you to get a house like as in yesterday." She groans, scrolling down and then pointing at another property. "What about that one?"

"You're getting tired of me already?" I joke half heartedly.

"No, but you've been out of hospital for three days Mani. A mere three. Your parents are bound to show up anytime." She says, scrolling down further on the list. "And I don't want them showing up on my doorstep because your mother both scares and hates me."

"She doesn't hate you." I try to defend my mother. "She just has a... strong dislike for you. That's all."

"That's all?" Lani asks, putting the laptop down and facing me completely. "That's all?" She repeats. "Normani, when your mother first met me, she told me that she doesn't carry small change and that I should go beg elsewhere for bread."

I try not to laugh, but I cave, causing her to glare at me.

"It's really not a laughing matter."

"You still could have looked decent that day." I shrug.

"So you're saying that my style is a problem?" She asks, a bit offended.

"No." I shake my head quickly. "I'm just saying that you could have dressed up more for the occasion."

"Listen - "

"There is no use fighting." Ally says, walking into the room with a plate of cookies. "All we have to confirm here is that I need to take my baby shopping and that Normani's mother is prissy."

"She's not prissy, she's just... I don't know, but she's not prissy." I try to defend the woman who broke my heart once again.

"And what do you mean that you need to take my shopping?" Kehlani asks her girlfriend...?

"I'm not saying that you have no sense of style." Ally says quickly, putting the plate down on the table next to the laptop and then hopping in Lani's lap, causing me to gag. "I'm just saying that sometimes you dress as if you're... homeless."

"Ally baby, that's just my style."

"Hmm homeless chic." I mumble.

"Yeah." Ally kisses her quickly. "And there's nothing wrong with change. Okay?"

Lani nods reluctantly. I know that she's been whipped ever since Ally came into her life.

"Okay then." I get up and pick up my laptop, with three cookies and place them on the keyboard. "I'm going to go because this is weird for me and because... this is weird for me." I announce and attempt to walk over to my room, but I stop when I feel a sharp pain going through my stomach.

That and the disgusting feeling of the stitches rubbing against my clothing.

Ally stops grinding in Lani's lap and looks over at me. "You okay?"

"Stitches." I smile weakly. "I'm fine."

"You want me to dress your wound for you?"

"No need." I shake my head, masking the pain. "I'm fine." I lie and walk back over to the room.

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