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Normani Kordei Hansen.

"Uh... is it a... is it lung cancer?" I ask, unsure of my answer.

"That's correct."

"Okay, hit me with the next one." I say, excitedly.

"Repeated flu like symptoms for four to six weeks, stops after six weeks."

"Window period?"

"Correct." She grins. "Okay, now for the last one..."

"I'm ready."

"Which test is the best to do when checking for TB? X-Ray, skin or tissue culture?"

"Skin test."


"Because you can pick up on whether or not you have a latent TB infection." I answer.

She smiles brightly. "Why the hell are you stressed then? You've got this."

"I don't know." I sigh. "One can never be to sure."


"So did you apply yet?" I ask, taking a sip of the apple juice.

"Yeah. I haven't gotten an e-mail back yet." She replies, sort of deflated.

"Hey." I nudge her. "You've got this."

She nods and then looks down.

"So how was last night?" I ask curiously. "Did she behave?"

She giggles a little. "She was a bit nervous but she became comfortable afterwards."

"Kehlani, nervous? Dinah what are you doing to my friend?" I chuckle.

"Nothing. I swear."

"So was it a date?" I ask, raising my eyebrows.

"She said it was and it felt like it was, so it probably was a date." She replies, finishing her glass of ice tea.

"So you're um... gay?"

"Not exactly. I never labelled myself as anything before, plus I've only dated guys. I hate labels. I think of myself as bisexual but I'm not really sure if I'm really into girls like that."

"Oh." I nod.

"How about you. Are you straight?" She asks, focusing on me.

"What do you mean?" I chuckle nervously. "I had a husband, or thought I did, remember?"

"Remember that I also told you that I had a boyfriend? Try again Normani."

"Where is all this new found confidence coming from?" I joke. "Where's shy Dinah?"

"I don't know." She shrugs. "I guess that I've just become comfortable around you, that's all."

I nod. "I understand."

"So when are you going to fly out for the board's?" She asks, interested.

"Tomorrow night." I sigh. "It's a good experience, but I've never been to Miami though. I'd like to enjoy my time there, but my stress levels will probably be sky high."

"Just chill." She laughs, her voice husky. "I'm sure that you'll make it. If you don't, you can just retake them."

"I don't think that I could deal with the embarrassment though." I say truthfully. "Me, still being a resident while my friends are out there being attendants. I mean, I'm worried for them too. I hope we all make it."

"Yeah well, I know you all will." She smiles reassuringly. "You guys are smart."

"You haven't even met my friends." I chuckle.

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