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Normani Kordei Hansen.


It feels like deja vu as I get up and walk towards the counter, only with Lauren behind me this time.

I just couldn't come alone.

"Hello." A more friendly sounding woman greets me.

"Hi." I smile back. "Uh I'm here to get a new ID."

"A new ID?" She asks, her accent sort of off, but I can't really tell what it is.

"Yeah." I nod. "I came back a while ago, but due to unforseen circumstances, I couldn't fill the form in."

She doesn't ask further questions and shocks me when she yells at the top of her lungs, causing Lauren to jolt up at the sound of her voice. "Tamar!"

Lauren, who is now fully awake, takes note of her surroundings. More like who than what.

"I'm Lauren." She tells the woman. "And you must be Angel."

"No actually I'm Tri - "

"Nah." Tamar comes into view. "She's married with kids, buh-bye."

Lauren curses under her breath.

"I'm standing right here." Tamar tells the woman. "What the hell is you yelling for?"

"I need a form for replacement ID's." She explains to Tamar.

Tamar looks over at me and smirks. "Oh, it's you again."

The other woman raises an eyebrow and Tamar shakes her head. "Remember that girl who was already married, tryna get married again?"

"Oh snap." The woman's accent comes out. "That's her?"

"I'm standing right here." I remind them.

"Right right." Tamar looks at me once over and then at Lauren, chewing her gum loudly. "Trina, you get the stuff. Looks like I can't be leaving you with Mama over here."

"What the hell did you just call me?" Lauren asks, raising her voice, causing people to look at us.

"Nothing." I try to tell Lauren. "She tried to call you nothing."

"Nah. I called her Mama. You know the fictional character."

"Bitch you had better -" Lauren cuts herself off as she begins to roll up her sleeves.

"Right. I'm back." Trina? announces. She then looks between Lauren and Tamar. "What's going on here?"

"Nothing." I take Lauren's arms and roll down her sleeves. "Absolutely nothing. Just, can I have the form?"

"Yah." She hands it to me. "Just fill it in and give it back, you can come for your photo in two days."

Out of the corner of my eye, I see Tamar mouthing the word "M-A-M-A" to a fuming Lauren.

This is why God created this plastic screen because if it wasn't here...

"Okay." I take the form and try to leave, but she calls me back.

"You have to fill it in here. The pen is kind of attached to the thingy." She giggles.

Tamar finally leaves and Lauren exhales loudly. "Mani, this shit that you're planning had better be worth it."

"Oh, it is."


"What's wrong with shawty?" I refer to Ally using Kehlani's nickname. "I saw her in the hallway earlier and she looked like hell."

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