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Normani Kordei Hansen.

"Get off of my stomach." I tell Dinah. "It hurts."

She giggles a bit and moves off of me to lay next to me. "You ate too much. That's why it hurts."

"Can you blame me?" I ask her seriously. "Your mother makes such good food."

"Yeah but she usually doesn't care what we eat. It's only because you're here that she's showing off, but I'm not complaining though. I'm eating good." She says, causing me to smile.

She rests her head on my shoulder and closes her eyes.

"I guess that I should come around more often then." I say, lifting her hand and playing with her fingers.

"Mm." She replies, her eyes closed tightly, so I assume that she's going to fall asleep soon.

"I should go." I say, moving tonget up.

"Or you could stay?" She says, her tone hopeful.

"Or I could stay." I shrug and slip back under the covers, with Dinah immediately latching onto me.

"So did you have a nice day?" She asks, making conversation.

She always does this because she knows that she falls asleep earlier than I do, so I end up laying awake until my body decides that its time to shut down, so she makes conversation to make me tired.

"It was okay." I nod to myself. "A little embarrassing, but okay."

"Embarassing how?"

"You know the girls. You've got dorky Tori, Zendaya and Lauren who have the hots for each other and the strange couple, Ally and Kehlani, what isn't embarrassing?"

"I actually only see them all as my boss, except for Kehlani though, but I doubt they're as bad as you make them out to be."

"Girl, trust me. You haven't seen anything if you haven't been embarrassed by them." I tell her and she giggles before putting her face in my neck. "Goodnight Mani." She says and kisses the spot where her lips are.

"Goodnight DJ." I sigh, knowing that she's extremely tired.

She falls asleep almost immediately, and I almost do too, until my phone rings.

In order not to wake Dinah, I quickly grab the phone and answer it without checking caller ID.

"Hello?" I answer, my voice hushed.


"Mommy?" I question and pull the phone away from my ear to see that it is indeed my mother calling. "Hi?"

"Hey." She replies. "You busy?"

"I wouldn't say busy... why are you calling?"

"I didn't think you would pick up." She chuckles nervously. "But I wanted to call you to see if we could meet for dinner. I wanted to today, but your father wanted to go sight seeing." She says and I roll my eyes at my father's love for history, I obviously didn't inherit that. "So can we meet tomorrow? We have to talk. Like seriously."

"I know Ma." I look at Dinah who's holding me tightly. "But I don't know about tomorrow." I remember that Dinah and I have plans.

"Go." Dinah breathes and I look down at her.


"Go." She repeats, licking her lips. "You guys obviously need to talk."


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