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Normani Kordei Hansen.

"Only med school?" Dinah asks me, shocked.

"Only med school. You completed it, right?" I ask, trying to remember our conversation from earlier this morning. My mind was a little hazy.

"Right." She nods and opens her mouth but closes it again. "Normani... this is... wow, thank you." She says, with a big smile on her face.

"No problem." I smile.

Its nice to make Dinah happy.

"So I apply online?"

"Yup. You need help?" I ask, causing her to look at me funny. "I don't mean that in an offensive way, like you don't know what you're doing or something, but I just wondered if you wanted some help and... why are you looking at me like that?"

"Because." She mumbles, her eyes searching all over my face. "I... I'm just trying to figure out why you're being so nice to me and stuff. Like, a week or two ago, you were ready to tear the skin off of my bones because I messed up your chance of getting married. You were lenient, sure. But I was still a little scared. What changed? Is it because of him?"

"Well, I'm kind of glad that you prevented me from getting married." I breathe out.

"How so?" She asks, cocking her head to side. She then widens her eyes. "Oh yeah... he cheated on you."

"Right." I chuckle dryly. "He cheated on me."

"I'm sorry." She apologizes. "I didn't mean to bring it up, or to upset you."

"Its cool." I dismiss her.

"No, it's not cool to play with someone's feelings for a long time." She sighs. "I don't know how any one could cheat on someone as perfect as you though. I mean, you're gorgeous, you're smart, you're driven, from what I can tell. Why would he look elsewhere?"

"Have you ever been in love, Dinah?" I change the subject.

"Well... I would like to think so." She shrugs. "I had a boyfriend, back home. He treated me like a queen, you know? He pampered me, cared for me when I was ill, looked after me when I came home from work, and the greatest of all is... he helped my family financially. He was really perfect."


"But that all changed when I got married to you." She frowns. "Well, he didn't know that I got married to you, he just knew that I was moving to America, and he didn't like it."

"So you guys broke up?"

"I broke up with him." She sighs. "He started to become violent at times and it scared me, so I also ended it before it was too late."

"Damn. That sounds almost as heart breaking as Yazz cheating on me." I comment, laying back into the couch.

"I guess that we're both heartbroken." She sighs.

"Yeah." I agree, looking at the ceiling. "I guess that we're two pretty fucked up people, aren't we?"

"Yeah." She agrees and looks over at me. "We're in the same boat."

"I like talking to you." I say, just speaking my mind. "You know, having someone to confide in that isn't judgemental, that's a blessing."

"I understand what you mean."



"Nothing." I sigh. "I'm just glad that you're my person."

She smiles at me. "I'm glad that you're my person too."

I open my mouth to say something, but I'm interrupted by my stomach growling. I frown, realising that I didn't get some food earlier.

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