Seven Year Anniversary (Final)

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Before you read, please note that this chapter is as a result of Google, so forgive me if I get some things wrong.

Remember where I live.

Also, I only Googled bc I wanted to pass the fluff test.

Normani Kordei Hansen.

"Hey Mani." Tori says happily as she joins me on my journey to the attendants room. "Isn't it a beautiful day today? The sun is shining, the birds are singing - "

"Tori, it's raining outside." I cut her off.

"Yeah well the sun is shining for me." She says defensively.

"Yeah, okay. You probably got some good head or something this morning." I shake my head at her.

"Yeah well it's not my fault that my girl has got skills."

"I'm proud of you though. I'm really, really proud of you for not getting any more STD's and also for sticking with one girl."

"Mani stooooppp." She whines and I roll my eyes.

"What's that?" I ask, nodding at the piece of paper in her hands.

"Oh this." She looks at it. "Right, I was actually bringing you this so that you can sign it."

"What is it?" I ask, turning into the attendants lounge and immediately being shushed by Lauren, who is sitting next to a sleeping Zendaya with a four month old bump.

"DNR form." She whispers.

I huff and take a pen from the table in the middle of the room and take the page from Tori. I sign it and hand it back to her. "Everyone just wants to die these days, don't they?"

"In her defence." Tori takes the page. "She's seventy eight and was just now diagnosed with Tuberculosis. She's acting smart, I wouldn't want to be struggling either."

"Point taken."

"Why are you so down anyway?" She asks as I sit down on the couch opposite Lauren and Zendaya. "Shouldn't you be happy that you're going on a week long vacay with your wife and the fam?"

"I am." I close my eyes for a moment. "But I'm really tired. Like I literally haven't had a surgery that lasted this long in a while."

"Yeah, you barely have time for surgeries anymore." Tori points out.

"Exactly. This isn't what I signed up for."

"Yeah, but at least you get to call it yours." Tori shrugs. "I gotta go now to go get this filed." She says, lifting the page. "But I can't leave without a goodbye hug, so get your fat ass up from the couch and give me a hug, dammit."

I roll my eyes playfully and give my white bitch a hug. She squeezes me tightly and slides something in my pocket. "For the trip." She whispers and then runs out as fast as she can.

I dig in my pocket and find a condom. I roll my eyes and toss it onto the couch next to Lauren. "Here. Because you don't know how to use protection."

She scoffs and throws it over her shoulder. "You ready for this?"

"I think so." I shrug. "I mean this will mean so much to her."

"I know it will, so calm down. Okay?" She says in an assuring tone.

"Thanks Lo." I sigh and check the time. "I gotta get going if I want to be there early morning."

"Right." She breathes and opens her arms to give me a hug. "I'll see you soon, okay? And I promise that I'll take good care of the hospital."

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