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Normani Kordei Hamilton.

"You're doing what?"

"Dinah - "

"No no no wait." She cuts me off. "You're donating a piece of your liver to my mother? My mother Normani."

"Why are you mad though?" I ask, confused.

"Because you keep doing things for me!" She says, throwing her hands up in the air. "I know that you care for me and that we're dating and stuff, but you don't have to do everything for me Mani. I'm not a charity case."

"I'm not even thinking of you as a charity case." I try to convince her, trying to stop her angry pacing at the same time, but I can't.

Thank God we're not in public. We never have an off together, but the hospital gave her an off because she can't work emotionally and I have an off because I'm needing to get prepped for the surgery, but I first wanted to stop home, but then we got into this argument...

"Listen to me." I demand, and she stops pacing, but I can see by her eyes that she's still restless. "Listen to me." I repeat softly.

She sighs and looks at me. "I'm listening."

"I care for Mama Milika too, okay? I care for her a lot. I know that you're a bit upset that you're not a match, but I am and I'm not about to ask any of your other siblings. It's not like I'm giving her my heart Dinah. It's a piece of my liver. A piece." I try to explain, but she focuses her attention on the pot plant Ally bought for the house because it was too 'bare'.

I gently move her chin so that she's facing me. "It's going to grow back. I want to help. You're not a charity case, you're my wife." I caress her face. "And I lo - I care for you a lot. And for your family. So just let me do this. Okay?"

She looks down and nods.

"Am I going to get a kiss before I go for surgery?" I ask sweetly.

She doesn't reply but sighs through her nose, her gaze still fixed on the floor.

"Dinah." I grab her face. "You're not my charity case. Okay?"

"Okay." She looks down again.

"Can I have a hug at least?" I ask, holding my arms out.

She sighs and pulls me into a hug. "I really can't believe that you're doing this."

"Well I am, and there is nothing that you can say that can change my mind." I reply into her boobs.
"Nothing at all?"

"Nothing at all."


"Absolutely nothing."

"Then I guess that we should get you back to the hospital." She sighs, releasing me.

"Yeah, we should." I say, packing the rest of my bag.

"Where's Kehlani?" She asks, sitting down, obviously too upset to help me with anything.

"She went so some audition. She's dropping her dancing for singing." I explain, closing my bag.

"She any good?"

"She's okay. Her voice is different, but it's okay." I shrug, sitting down next to Dinah. "And you." I nudge her. "You still havent sung for me."

"Yeah well I'll sing for you when you get yourself a house." She replies. "One that isn't creepy, and isn't isolated."

"I actually looked something up on the internet with Lani and Ally last night."

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