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Normani Kordei Hamilton.

"Why the hell are you up so early?" Kehlani mumbles as she latches onto me. "Come back to sleep."

"I need to go to work." I yawn and sit up.

I was visiting K last night and I guess I fell asleep. I told B where I was last night, so he probably knows that I was/am here.

"Work can wait." She replies tiredly. "Come back to bed."

"I wish I could. Really. But I have so many new patients. Dinah's sister broke her leg and I need to fix it."

"Wait." Her head perks up. "Did you say Dinah?"

"Hmm the Hansen." I reply, putting my pants back on.

"Okay hold on. You're telling me that your wife, came to the hospital yesterday and her sister has a broken leg?" She tries to piece the puzzle together.

"Correct." I sigh. "And no." I cut her off before she can say anything. "You can't come with me to work."

"But Mani." She pouts. "I just want to keep my baby mama company."

"Baby mama? You're so damn obsessed, it's not even funny anymore." I huff as I put my shirt on too.

"Who wouldn't be obsessed? Her appearance is perfect." She gushes, forgetting that she was begging for sleep less than five minutes ago. "And she was so shy. I love me a shy girl."

"You're not dating my wife." I tell her sternly.

"What are you? Jealous? Mani you have a fine ass man, go get some of that good dick." She waves me off.

"I'm not jealous." I grumble. "That would just be really weird."

"No it wouldn't. You get a divorce, I get a fine ass thick woman. It's a win-win situation really." She says, yawning and getting up, going to the bathroom.

I shake my head and follow her into the bathroom, grabbing the spare toothbrush from the cabinet above the sink. "Or I get a divorce, I get married and you get nothing?"

"Ugh what the hell is your deal?" She asks, sitting down on the toilet as I lather the toothbrush up with toothpaste.

"I just know your type and I know hers." I shrug, closing the cap on the tube. "Plus she's... fragile." I add before putting the toothbrush in my mouth and beginning to brush.

"Fragile?" I hear the toilet flush. "You know, I'm starting to think that you're saying all of this crap because you're catching feelings."

I can't say anything, since my mouth is full of toothpaste, so I just raise my middle finger.

She laughs and grabs her toothbrush, applying toothpaste on it. "But you can't be catching feelings." She warns me as she points at me with her free hand. "Because she's mine. Got that?"

I spit my toothpaste out and glare at her before rinsing my mouth. "Whatever."

She giggles and starts to brush her teeth.

"I have to go." I say, collecting my belongings and slipping my phone in my pocket.

"Wait for me!" I hear her muffled voice and I sigh, standing and waiting for her, leaning my bottom half against her bed.

She comes out with a big smile. "What time is your lunch time?"

"Two. Why?" I ask curiously.

"No reason." She beams and bounces over to me before peppering kisses all over my face.

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