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Normani Kordei Hansen. (Before some people fight me)

"I can't believe that we're inserting a piece of metal into a little girls leg." Ally shakes her head.

"I can't believe that you're just standing there not doing anything." I roll my eyes at the short Latina, who's supposed to be making sure that her heart rate is calm and that she's still under sedation.

"You know what I can't believe?" Zendaya asks as she hands me the drill.

"What's that?" I ask, my voice muffled by the surgical mask.

"That y'all have her sister sitting right up there. What's wrong with you two?"

"Me?" I ask, bewildered. "How is this on me? She's sitting next to Lauren." I reply, looking up at the gallery to see Dinah watching our every move intently.

"Yeah and I wouldn't advise any surgeon to bring a patient in here." Ally replies.

"Well then it's all on Buffy." I shrug.

"Can we change the subject?" Zendaya asks, tiredly, as if she didn't bring it up.

"Whatever." I grumble, starting up the drill. I shoot Dinah a reassuring smile before starting to put the metal pieces together.

"Hey Mani." Zendaya smirks.

"What?" I groan.

"Saw you limping earlier. Did Yazz put it down?"

"Can we change the subject?" Ally asks this time.

The stupid nurses stand aside and let us have out own conversation.

"She just mad that she not getting dicked down." Zendaya shrugs. "Come over to the dark side."

"Yeah, no thanks. Im fine right here." Ally replies.

I smile and shake my head before remembering something. "Guys... I need advice. I didn't want to ask Lauren about it because she'd be inappropriate about it... but -" I pause and look up to see Lauren and Dinah in a conversation, meaning the Latina isn't listening.

"-this morning," I continue. "I got in the shower and I was scrubbing myself down real good right. So I get down there... and... there are tiny little things on my you know what."

"What?" Ally and Zendaya ask in unison.

"There are little bumps and sores on my cookie." I bite my lip briefly as I turn the drill off, handing it to one of the useless nurses.

"Don't tell me that you've been sleeping with someone else." Ally says in a warning tone.

"I haven't." I whine. "I swear."

"Girl it sounds to me as if you got the syph." Zendaya whispers lowly.

"The syph?" I ask, dumbfounded.

"Yeah the syph." She confirms. "Syphillis you smart ass dumbass."

"What? No." I laugh sarcastically as I begin to patch the younger girl up.

Ally and Zendaya stay quiet and my eyes widen. "You guys don't really think that I have it, do you?"

They both stay silent and I nod a bit. "Close her up." I tell Z and walk towards the door, removing my gloves in the process.

Some spineless intern opens the door for me and I dispose of the gloves, and go over to the scrubbing area to wash the surgical sweat off of my hands.

I then exit the room and try going over to the residents room, until I get stopped by Milika, or as Lani calls her, Aunty.

"Dr. Normani." She says as she approaches me nervously with a large man, who I'm guessing is her husband, behind her. "Is she doing okay?"

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