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Normani Kordei Hansen.

"Are you sure that you're okay?" K asks me for the third time, a small pout on her face.

"I said that I'm fine." I sigh. "Just please... continue playing with my hair."

She obliges and starts raking her fingers through my hair again. "I'm not so sure that you're just fine. You haven't even cried yet."

"I just can't." I shake my head. "He broke my heart. Im still a little mad."

"Okay. So if you can't cry, how about we have a roasting session? Huh, just you and I, roasting B." She suggests.

I chuckle lowly and sit up straight. "I have a feeling you'd been wanting to do this for a while."

"I have." She admits. "Do you think it's nice hearing from you how amazing he is in bed and then getting drilled the next day at work?"

"Hey." I defend my now ex. "He is amazing in bed."

"Ew. Dick." She grumbles, pulling her face in disgust, but quickly makes it right. "And also, best believe that I'm going to give him hell tomorrow."

"Please don't." I beg. "Dancing is your dream job. You can't give it up because he cheated on me."

"Yeah well he doesn't deserve someone as fly as me anyway." She shrugs.


"Fine, I won't do anything too drastic." She rolls her eyes and opens the box of pizza that we ordered about an hour ago, taking a slice out.

"So who was your little entertainment you had over earlier that had to leave?" I ask, taking a sip of the beer on the table.

Beer is honestly so disgusting, but I'm not drinking it for the taste. Plus, it was the only type of alcohol she had, she finished the weed yesterday and I'm not into coke.

"Some girl." She dismisses me. "Clarrisa, Marrisa, Melissa or something, I don't know."

"What happened to wanting Dinah?" I ask before chugging the whole bottle down.

"I still want some of her fine ass. That's my future wife right there, but I'm still working on it. Just because I'm still working on it, doesn't mean I can't have in between fun." She shrugs and gets up to turn the ceiling fan up.

She stretches and pulls on one of the chains dangling from the fan, her stomach all in my face.

"So many hickies." I complain, pushing her away slightly. "Damn girl, pull ya shirt down."

"They're just hickies." She shrugs and sits down next to me again. "Nothing wrong with them."

"Yeah, except that they're disgusting as fuck." I pull my face.

"No they're not." She argues with a smirk. "Hickies are very hot."

"No they're not." I disagree. "I mean personally, of course. I'm not really a fan of people biting me."

"Wait, you've never gotten a hickey?" She asks, surprised. "Mani, you've been fucking that nigga for five years and he hasn't given you a single one?"

"He tried to, but my reflexes way too strong." I reply, crushing the can with my hand and tossing it into the bin. "When he tried to bite me, I pushed his ass off. He once tried to smack my ass during sex and I slapped the shit out of him."

She laughs loudly. "You're such a dork."

"Mhm whatever." I roll my eyes and take the slice out of her hand, taking a bite.

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