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Normani Kordei Hansen (for now)

"Yeah uh hi." I manage to get out, as I recover from the shock.

"Are you going to come in or...."

"Right." I reply to the dark caramel skinned doctor as I step in and close the curtain behind me.

"So Hamilton." Ally smiles. "This is Regina. Regina, this is Dr. Hamilton, the one who will be fixing your leg."

Broken leg?

Close enough.

Dinah catches my eye before crouching downwards and whispering to the little girl. "Say hi to Dr. Hamilton."

"Hi." The little girl says to me in a shy voice.

I smile involuntarily. "Hi there Regina."

"Now Man - I mean Dr. Hamilton." Ally corrects herself quickly with a chuckle. "Regina here fell off the roof of her house, and after we took her to the x-ray machine, we noticed that her leg was broken in three places."

Coleman hands me the x-ray and I hold it up to the light. "Four." I correct Ally. "Her leg is broken in four places."

"You can fix it. Right?" Regina asks worriedly. "Because I can't have my leg amputatated."

"Amputated." Dinah corrects the younger girl. "The word is amputated."

"Yeah that." Regina says, causing me to chuckle. "I still have a life to live. I haven't even had my first boyfriend yet. What if no guys want me because I have to wear a fake leg?"

"How old did you say she was?" I ask Zendaya, who chuckles in response to the little girls words.

"She six." She replies with a smirk. "Smart mouth."

I nod and take her file. "Your leg won't be amputated. Okay?" I open the file. "I'll make sure of that."

"Oh we didn't do check up." Ally tells me. "She was in too much pain."

"Yeah but you can do check up now though." Zendaya says. "We gave her something to ease the pain."

"Uh I left my stuff back in the residents room." I reply nervously. "I'll be right back."

Ally and Zendaya nod while I give Dinah one last look before leaving the room.

I take my time walking to the residents room, trying to figure out what's going on in my brain.

To my relief, I find a shirtless Lauren in the room.

"You ever heard about the term called knocking?" She asks sarcastically as she spots me.

"This is my room too girl." I roll my eyes. "And I have a big problem." I tell her as I walk over to my locker. "What happened to your shirt?"

"I'm working with some kid in paeds and he spilt the contents of the drip all over me." She grumbles. "He's so lucky that I had a spare shirt today." She adds, putting her shirt on. "What's your problem?"

"Okay." I sigh, putting the stethoscope around my neck. "Remember when I was talking about my wife earlier?"

"I thought you didn't want to call her that." Lauren smirks.

"Shut up and listen." I groan.

"Okay okay. Tell me all about what happened with your wife."

"She's here." I bite my lip. "She brought her little sister, I think, in and her sister broke her leg and now I have to fix it."

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