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Normani Kordei Hansen.

"Morning." I speak through a yawn as I enter the room.

"Morning." Tori replies happily, but with her eyes fixed on her phone and her bottom lip tucked between her teeth, so I'm guessing that she's sexting.

"Hmm." Lauren shrugs.

"Where's Z?" I ask, putting my stuff in my locker and then sitting down.

"Don't know." Tori replies absentmindedly.

"Don't care." Lauren adds.

"Sorry I'm late." Zendaya says, entering the room.

"Hey." I greet her and sit down on the couch.

"Hi." Tori says and continues sexting.

Zendaya doesn't even look at Lauren and puts her stuff in her locker.

Lauren breaks the silence by grabbing her keys.

"Where are you going?" Zendaya asks, grabbing her by her arm.

"None of your business." Lauren replies and Tori is now looking at them too. She sighs and looks down. "Going to the store, someone restocked the fridge and all my beer is gone."

Zendaya nods and releases her arm. "Can we talk later?"

Lauren nods with her eyes on the ground and then moves to leave the room.

"Damn." Tori mumbles and continues typing.

"Can you please turn your sound off?" I ask, turning my laptop on. "It's kind of bothering me."

"K." She shrugs and puts her phone on vibrate, which isn't as annoying as the sound it makes when she's typing.

"Who are you texting anyway?" Zendaya sighs.

"The cashier from the other day." Tori replies and then bites her lip harshly, causing me to shake my head.

So thirsty...

Anyway. "So what's going on with you and Lo?" I ask Zendaya as I log onto the internet with a sigh.

I simply cannot find what I'm looking for.

"Nothing." She sighs and then hesitates. "Okay... Lauren came by to my house last night."

"Lauren went to your house?" Tori asks, pausing her texting.

"Yeah." She nods. "And she was crying."

"Lauren was crying?"

"Tori please."

"Sorry. Continue."

"Right." Z sighs. "So before I could get a word in, she kissed me and told me that she loved me."

"And what did you do?" I ask, scared of whatever she's going to say.

"I... slammed the door in her face."

"You what?" I ask loudly.

"I didn't know what to do, okay!" She tries to defend herself. "It's not every night that Lauren Jauregui shows up on your doorstep and confesses her love for you."

"That's true." Tori seconds Zendaya.

"But that doesn't make it right." I tell Z. "Do you know how much it took for Lauren to realize her emotions and how much pride was sacrificed to tell you that she loved you?"

"I know." She replies sadly. "I realized that two minutes later, but when I had returned to the door... she was gone."

"Well were you expecting her to still be there?" I defend Lauren.

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