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Normani Kordei Hamilton.

"It was so cool once you put the metal in his leg and ... ooh. Wait, are we going to take it out again?"

I chuckle at her eagerness. "Of course we're going to take it out, we can't let him live like Iron Man forever."

"Oh cool. Can't wait to see that happen."

"Yeah." I change my position and look up at the ceiling. "What are you up to?"

"Nothing much. Just waiting on my auntie's arrival." She replies. "What are you doing?"

"Well since you ditched me, I guess I'm going to be watching tv all night."

"Hey, the rugby is on." She suggests. "Might wanna watch that."

"I don't know, I'll see."

"Come on... why don't you hang out with Kehlani?" She asks.

"I'm pretty sure that if I walk out of this room and into the house right now... I'll catch her doing something... indecent? Yeah, indecent."

"You'll never know unless you try."

"Please, I can hear some random girl moaning. But it's cool, I'm used to it."

"She sure is persistent." Dinah laughs. "So when did you move in with her? I'm sure that you weren't living with her when I first met you."

"I wasn't. I was living with Yazz." I roll my eyes. "As soon as I found Becky in his bed, I knew that I had to live with Lani."

"So are you ever going to get your own place?"

"I was always planning on it, but I never have time." I think out loud. "But when I do look for a new place, you should help me. I mean, I think you're going to be there a lot."

"Hmm I think I am." She replies, her voice husky.

"Fuck." I mumble lowly.

Before I can respond properly, my room door opens and Zendaya and Lauren walk in, sitting on my bed.

That moment when your friends don't know how to knock.

"Listen, DJ, I have to go." I tell her, knowing I can't risk telling Lauren or Zendaya about whatever I have with Dinah just yet.

"It's okay Mani. I have to go too. My auntie just arrived. I'll see you tomorrow?"

"See you tomorrow." I smile.

"I can't wait."

"Can't wait either." I cheese. "Text me later?"

"Will do."

With the last words, she ends the call and I end it too.

Zendaya tries to grab my phone but after my encounter with Dinah, my reflexes are way too quick.

They're also too quick considering whose name they may see may cause some... conflict.

With Zendaya because she doesn't believe in work relationships, hence the fact that she's not with Laur, and with Laur because she's still infatuated with Dinah.

"Who are you talking to?" Zendaya smirks . "Come on Mani, who's DJ?"

"None of your business." I shrug. "Why are you two here?"

"We came with Ally a while ago. But now Ally is sucking face with Kehlani and when she started moaning, we were OUT." Lauren replies. "I'm not here to watch my mother dry hump one of my ex fuck buddies, fuck buddy."

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