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Normani Kordei Hansen.

I open my eyes slowly to try and adjust them to the light, but they hurt too much, so I close them.

I try to bring my right hand up so I can rub at my eyes, but I can't because something is holding it down.

I rub my eyes with my left hand instead and when they finally are recovered enough to open, I see Dinah's mane sprawled across my legs.

I smile to myself and watch as she clutches my hand tightly in her sleep.

I grab my phone with my left hand which is a bit of a struggle because it's on the right side of the bed, but I'm not about to let go of Dinah's hand just yet.

It's six am, I can't remember when I've slept this late in a while.

Dinah moves her head and faces the other way.

But then Ally, who has no thought for people who are sleeping, opens the curtains loudly.

"The fuck?" I groan, turning my head to the other side.

Ally even does this when we're at home and we both have an off. She just comes in and opens the curtains without as much as a good morning or nothing.

"Hey." She smiles and comes over to me. She's careful not to wake Dinah as she walks over because she once learned over breakfast that Dinah was a grumpy sleeper.
"You did good." She whispers, pecking my forehead.

"Did it reject?" I ask, my voice cracking slightly.

She shakes her head and pours me a glass of water. "And we hope that it won't."

"Thanks." I mumble, taking the glass from her and downing the cool liquid.

"Don't worry. I stitched you up pretty good. You can barely see anything." She assures me as she puts the glass back down on the metal locker. "How are you feeling?"

"Tired." I admit.

"Well you should get some more rest then." She says with a small smile. "I'll be back by nine to check on you. I'll make sure nobody disturbs you."

I nod. "Thanks Ally."

She gives me a smile before closing the blinds that lead to the hospital and then exiting the room.

"Was she doing that inconsiderate shit again?" Dinah asks, lifting her head. "Because if she was, boss or not, I'm kicking her ass." She says, squinting at the amount of light coming through the window.

"Yeah, but she decided to close those ones so the nosey nurses can't see us." I nod over at the blinds.

She yawns and stretches before getting up and closing the curtains that lead outside. "Too much." She explains and comes to sit down next to me again. "How are you feeling?" She asks, holding my hand.

"Okay." I shrug. "Not much pain. How are you feeling? Is your back okay?"

"It's fine. Achy but fine."

"Why didn't you request a cot or something then?" I ask, confused.
"Because I wanted to hold your hand." She admits cutely through a yawn.

"You're not going to kiss me?"

"No." She shakes her head. "You smell like post surgery. It doesn't stink but it's an annoying smell."

"Are you going to help me shower when we get home then?" I ask, wiggling my eyebrows. "Lani should still be out of town so we have the place to ourselves."

She rolls her eyes. "You know how long you have to stay here so don't be suggesting things."

"I know." I roll my eyes. "Stupid body that needs to heal."

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