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Normani Kordei Hansen.

I stare at the ceiling and bring my knees up to my chest. This is not how I wanted to spend my off day and night.

I spent the night in a fucking prison. I'm basically a criminal.

No other hospital will ever want to hire me. What if Dr. Hernandez fires me?

An officer approaching interrupts my thoughts. "Come make your call." He says, sternly.

I nod and he cuffs my legs before walking behind me to the type of payphone.

"May I see my phone please." I ask.


"I need to get a number from there." I say and he sighs but hands me my phone.

I open the contact list and go through all the options, but in this situation, the person with the most power, is Dinah.

I quickly memorize her number, ignoring all the messages from my co-workers and friends, and hand my phone to the officer before pressing on the metal buttons.

I put the phone to my ear and listen to the dialling noise. "Do you mind?" I ask the officer.

He scoffs and walks away to stand at a further distance.

I hear the phone being picked up and Dinah's voice. "Hello?"

"Hey." I bite the inside of my cheek. "It's Normani."

"Thank God." She breathes. "How are you?"

"Two minutes." The officer interrupts me.

"I'm fine." I roll my eyes at the man in blue's annoying voice. "Can you... can you come get me please?" I ask, before biting my lip. "I know that you're probably already home and everything and - "

"I'm actually out front." She interrupts me. "In the waiting area. They wouldn't let me in earlier."

"You're still here?" I ask, sighing in relief. "Thank God. Can you come see me?"

"Is that possible?" She asks.

"Hold on." I say into the phone.

I turn to the officer who has his arms folded over his chest. "Can I have a visitor?"

"Just one." He replies. "And they have to be related to you in some sort of way."

"My wife?" I ask, hopefully.

"You're married to a woman?" He asks.

"Listen, can she see me or not?" I ask and he nods quickly.

Homophobic motherfucker.

"You can. Just tell them who you are at the front desk. You still haven't signed the divorce papers." I smirk.

"Right. I'll be right over." She says and ends the call.

I put the phone back on the hook, get uncuffed and walk back to my holding cell that I share with some or other goth dude.

I mean, he looks goth with all the dark make up on his face.

My conclusion is that he's either goth or gay. I'll go with goth seeing as he's in prison.

I sit on the far side of the cell, ignoring his existence and wait for Dinah to arrive.

Ten minutes passes by and I start to get worried, but she eventually shows up in last night's clothes. "Normani." She breathes and stands in front of the cell.

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