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Normani Kordei Hansen.

"Well you definitely don't look half dead." Lauren comments as I collapse into the couch.

"I've been having trouble sleeping lately." I admit. "I haven't been sleeping too well when I do fall asleep."

"Just steal some pills." Lauren shrugs. "That's what I always do when I have a problem."

"We can tell." Zendaya comments. "You're high half of the time we're at work."

"Don't let my mother hear that." Ally says, coming into the attendants lounge. "Even though I agree that you do your best work when you're high."

Lauren smiles triumphantly at Zendaya. "See?"

"Damn. You look terrible." Ally comments as she sees my face.

"Insomnia." Tori answers for me.

"You should get some sleeping pills. I could steal some from the clinic for you?" She offers.

"Thanks but I'm fine." I decline politely. "I just feel a little sick nowadays." I admit.

"You should get that checked out." Tori replies absentmindedly.

"I really think that its just the common cold." I roll my eyes. "I checked out my symptoms. I've been having night sweats too."

"Yeah well you know where to steal all the medication anyway." Ally waves me off. "So how are the interns?"

"God." Tori groans. "Pain in my ass. I've been fixing all of their clumsy mistakes."

"You have clumsy interns?" Lauren asks Tori. "Sounds like your type anyway."

"God they're always messing up. There's this one with no facial features, I don't know if he came fresh out of high school or med school." Tori says, aggravated.

"Oh, Shawn Mendes?" Lauren asks. "He gets on my nerves too."

"Please, I've got the female version of Mendes." I grumble. "Cabello."

"You have no room to complain though Mani." Lauren says to me. "You've got Dinah. How the fuck did you get your wife? I'm still a bit mad that you didn't give me her number."

"Yeah well she's working here now, why don't you just go up and ask her?" I grumble.

"Damn, who pissed in your cereal this morning?" Zendaya asks, amused. "Kehlani?"

"No. I'm just forming a headache too."

"You seriously need to get yourself checked out, because I don't want you to faint in the OR today or something." Ally says, a bit concerned.

"I'm not scheduled to use the OR today." I reply, rubbing my forehead.

"About that..." Ally bites her lip.

"What? I legit have no surgeries." I tell her.

"Yeah but you need to watch the general surgery I'm about to perform with one of the interns." Ally says. "Since you're next in line, you should choose your 'guy', or 'girl' that I should work with for my liver transplant."

"I don't understand why you do that though." Zendaya shakes her head. "You're messing up innocent people's lives. What if the person dies on the table? You will be blamed. Know why? Because you left the real life saving to someone who's fresh from Med School. That's why."

"Oh hush up, Ally won't let the person die on the table." Tori tells Z.

"Yeah, talk about no pressure here." Ally mumbles. "So Mani, I expect an answer in half an hour's time."

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