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Normani Kordei Hamilton.

"Hey hey Mani. I mean Normani." Becky smiles as she enters my room.

"Hey Becky?" I reply, slightly confused, discreetly rolling my eyes.

I don't want company right now, why can't anyone just get that?

"B isn't home." I mumble, packing my clothes into my closet.

"Oh I know." She says, sitting down on my bed. "I came to visit you."

"To visit me?" I ask, furrowing my brows.

Sure we've seen each other here and there and held conversations, but we haven't really had any alone time you know, spoken by ourselves.

"Yeah." She sighs and I close my closet and turn around to see her giving me a shy smile.

I cringe at the sight of the gap in her teeth. I'm not saying that she's ugly or anything, I'm just saying that I can imagine kicking soccer balls into it.

"I'm listening." I sit down next to her.

She nods. "I just wanted to say that I heard..." she scratches the back of her neck. "You know? About you and Yazz not really being married and everything. I just wanted to say that I'm really sorry." She says sincerely, causing me to be even more confused.

"Thank you?"

"No. I mean it as I can see that you're hurting." She explains, causing me to sigh. "And I just want you to know that, if you ever and I mean ever, need to talk... I'm here. You know that right?"

I nod. "Thanks Becky."

"No problem." She smiles widely, causing me to cringe again. "We all need friends during tough times."

"Thanks again."

She nods solemnly and gets up from her spot on the bed. "I uh... have to go... we have filming now, but maybe we can talk later?"

I nod and she leans over to give me an awkward hug before leaving.

I decide to just lay back on my bed, trying to gather my thoughts. I've been a bit off lately and now she still wants to involve herself in my life.

I don't have a problem with her as a person, I just have a problem with the role that she plays in my husband - boyfriend? Fiance? I have a problem with the role she plays in B's life.

You always have your man's friends', that turn into 'best friends', that turn into 'sisters', and they always turn into who you find in your bed with your man one day.

I hope she's not the type.

"Girl." Kehlani's voice interrupts my thoughts.

I turn my head to see my short haired friend in my doorway. I pat the spot next to me and she gives me a small smile before laying down next to me.

Like Becky said, I need a friend.

"Did I just see Becky with the gap in her teeth come out of your bedroom without Yazz being present?" She asks, cuddling up to me.

"Mhm." I mumble, getting comfortable. "Little bitch."

"What did she want here?" She asks, her voice turning serious. "Do you need me to kick her ass?"

I shake my head. "I need you to hold me."

She furrows her brows but tightens her hold on me any way. "You gon tell me why she was here or nah?"

"She wanted to be friends." I sigh.
"Friends?" She asks, confused. "You and B have been together for as long as they've been friends. Why does she just now want to be your friend? I hope you declined her friend request."

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