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Normani Kordei Hamilton.

"Uh hi Normani. I mean Ms. Hamilton." She stutters and scratches the back of her neck. "How may I help you?" She asks nervously.

"How may you - Oh My God. Cut the bullshit." I raise my voice. "Are you crazy?" I ask loudly.

Her eyes widen. "Ssh." She shushes me as she hastily looks around.

I know this girl did not just tell me to be quiet.

She hurriedly closes the door behind me and I look at her, a bit startled by her actions.

"How did you find me?" She asks in a hushed tone.

"Does it really matter?" I ask, folding my arms over my chest. "I'm here for the answers Deenah."

"It's Dinah." She corrects me, running a hand through her long hair.

She looks around for a second and finds a wooden crate. She pushes it towards me and I lift a brow.


I roll my eyes. "Listen, I don't have all day. Let's make this quick and painless. Shall we?"

She nods and pulls up another crate, setting it down directly in front of me.

I sit down on my crate and she sits down on hers. "How did you find me?" She repeats, still in a hushed tone.

"Am I not supposed to be the one asking the questions here?" I ask her, crossing my one leg over the other.

"I guess." She runs a hand through her hair once again before picking at the bracelet on her left arm.

I clear my throat and she looks up.

My father always taught me that when I'm talking to someone, I should look in their eyes.

The eyes are giveaways.

"Where did you find my ID?"


"Don't play dumb with me." I scold her. I'm not playing with anyone today 

"I found it laying outside a tour bus." She admits.

"A tour bus?"

"Yeah. It was one of those 'tour around the city' busses." She explains.

"I was taking one of my brother's to the park and he noticed it and picked it up." She explains further on.

"Wait. Where?"

"New Zealand." She sighs, looking down.

"Hey." I call her and her head shoots up again. "Is that where you're from?"

She nods, looking down again.

She briefly looks up and meets my eyes again. "I'm really sorry."

"Why did you do it?" I ask, my voice stern.


"Why did you use my ID?" I ask, gritting my teeth.

"I was desperate." She mumbles.

"Desperate for - Hey look at me." I demand and her warm, Brown eyes meet mine one again. "Desperate for what?"

"Things weren't going good for my family over there." She says, returning her gaze to the floor.

I'm not about to call her out again, but I'm still a bit salty.

I should be getting married soon and she's messed everything up for me.

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