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Normani Kordei Hamilton.

"Look at the pretty lights." Tori gasps, pointing at the ceiling.

Zendaya looks up slowly and then glares at Tori. "Kelly, are you high?"

"What?" She asks, spinning around in the chair. "Look, the room is moving!" She gasps.

"Tori Kelly. Are you high?" Zendaya repeats.

"No." Tori frowns, stopping the spinning chair. "I'm a good girl Daya, I would never do alcohol."

"She's gone." I confirm.

"Tori wouldn't willingly try drugs, right?" Zendaya asks me.

I pause my Insta stalking session and look up at her. "I don't think so. I mean, Tori is innocent." I squint my eyes.

"Yeah." Zendaya rolls her eyes. "She was innocent yet she got syphilis."

"Can we leave the syph issue in the past now? Please." I beg.

"Whatever." Z rolls her eyes. "But Tori is definitely high."

"What's going on with blondie?" Ally asks, entering the room, looking at Tori who is giggling uncontrollably.

"She may be high." Z shrugs. "What's going on with you and Brainy?"

"Shut up." Ally growls. "Y'all don't talk about y'all's sex life with me."

"Wait. Y'all are fucking? Already?" Zendaya asks.

"Like I said, y'all don't tell me about your sex lives. Why should I tell you about mine?"

"I tell Mani about my sex life." Zendaya shrugs.

"As if Mani wants to know." I mumble under my breath.

"Damn you're still high?" Lauren asks Tori as she enters the room. "Must be your first time."

"You gave her drugs?" Zendaya asks Lauren.

"I didn't give her drugs on purpose." Lauren shrugs and scratches around in the mini fridge, pulling out a beer.

"Where did that beer come from?" Ally asks.

"I don't know." Lauren shrugs, falling down on the couch next to me.

"So you gave Tori drugs by accident?" Zendaya asks Lauren.

"I didn't just give her drugs. What happened was, Tori fell really badly this morning over that clumsy intern of Mani's... what's her name?" She clicks her fingers.

"Clutzbello." Ally replies.

"Yeah her." Lauren opens the can. "So then she had to do surgery and her body was hurting really bad. So being the good person I am - "

"Bullshit." Zendaya coughs and Lauren glares at her.

"Being the good person I am." Lauren gives Zendaya a pointed look. "I gave Tori three Percocets."

"Three?" Zendaya screeches. "Are you crazy?"

"Wait wait wait." Ally tries to get a hold of everything. "You said that she had to do surgery... are you telling me that you sent a high Surgeon Tori Kelly to go operate on a baby?"

"Is there a problem?" Lauren asks.

"Yeah." Zendaya and Ally chorus.

Before anything else can be said, there's a knock on the door.

I look up to meet the shy eyes of Dinah Jane. "Dr. Hamilton?"

"Hey you!" Tori calls out. "What are you doing here? This is the attendants room. Attendants only! Do you know how fucking hard I worked to get here and now - "

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