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Normani Kordei Hansen.

"You're not still stressing about the boards, are you?" Lauren asks, poking my head repeatedly with her finger.

"No." Zendaya answers for me. "She fell asleep in the chair last night."

"Why did you fall asleep in a chair?"

"Because my roommate is a fucking creep and because I was too tired and too lazy to climb in the bed last night." I reply tiredly, my voice muffled by my arm.

"Hey waiter!" Lauren calls the young man over. "Can I have a tall and ice cold glass of water please? It's for my friend."

He nods and walks away.

"So who's your roommate?" She asks, intrigued.

"I don't know. It's that girl that's always at work, she's into... I don't even know what she's into. I see her in the residents lounge every day, but I pay her no mind." I shrug. "I had no problem with her until she legit started taking cages with mice and shit out, spiders and crap."

"How did she get that stuff on the plane?" Z asks, sipping on her colourful drink.

"Fuck, I don't know. But I'm just really fucking tired." I groan, lifting my head and playing with the straw in my drink.

The waitron eventually comes back over with the water. "Here Mani." Lauren says, taking out the straw and then throwing the water in my face.

"Lauren!" Tori and Zendaya chorus.

"Okay, starting now... you need to wake up girl." Lauren says, putting the straw back in the empty glass and pushing it towards Tori. "You've been bitching about these boards since we were at the hospital, you bitched at the airport, you bitched on the plane, you bitched when we got here and you bitched five minutes ago. Stop all the bitching." She says, handing me some napkins and drying parts of my face.

"Now listen to me... you're one of the smartest doctors I know, part from myself of course, Kelly and Coleman are just dumbasses."

"Hey." Tori and Zendaya chorus.

"Back to the point." Lauren rolls her eyes at the two being sensitive. I honestly don't even know why they're protesting, not that they're stupid, but Lauren insults everyone everyday, you have to get used to it.

"Mani, you're smart. Like really smart, I hate to admit it, but I'm a bit jealous. Just a bit though. And you, you're like superwoman. You have skills, personality, looks. You have it all Normani. Stop stressing, you've got this."

"Lauren that was so gay." Zendaya comments.

"Yeah well, I missed out on my pussy for breakfast." Lauren shrugs in response.

I smile and peck her cheek. "I love you so much."

"I love you too." She playfully rolls her eyes. "Guess how you can repay me?"

"How?" I ask, satisfied that my face is now dry.

"By giving me Dinah's number." She smirks but it falls when she sees my glare. "Come on Mani." She whines. "It's not like you're going to do anything with her anyway."

"Still... she's too sweet and too shy for someone like you." I reply, throwing all the now soft napkins on the table.

"Normani did you have your plate of pussy this morning? Because that was so gay." Zendaya replies, sipping on her drink, trying to look like she's minding her own business.

"That wasn't gay. I just care for her." I defend myself.

"Normani that was gay." Lauren confirms. "50% of this table eats pussy and the same 50% says that you're gay. We don't know what Tori is."

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