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Normani Kordei Hansen.

"You look a little tired." Zendaya comments as she stands next to me, waiting in line for the vending machine.

"I am." I admit. "I barely got any sleep last night."

"Normani I thought that we all agreed that when you have the syph, you're not allowed to still have sex. What the hell is wrong with you?" She asks as I collect my chocolate bar.

"What the hell is wrong with you?" I widen my eyes. "Do you not know how to whisper? Not everyone needs to know that I have the thing."

"Okay okay. Im sorry." She apologizes. "But still... you're not engaging in... intercourse, are you?"

"No." I hiss. "And I'm so mad at the moment."

"Hold on." She says, and then brings one of her long legs upwards and kicks the machine.

The machine releases a few chocolate bars and she looks around sneakily before putting them all in her pocket. "Okay, you were saying? Why are you mad?" She asks as she walks with me to the residents room.

"So I get home last night, right?" I start peeling the wrapper off. "So I decided yesterday already that we need to talk, but when I got home, nigga was asleep."

"Did you wake his ass up?"

"No." I shake my head sternly and throw the wrapper in a corner bin. "I value sleep, therefore I won't ruin other people's slumber."

She shakes her head at me before opening one of her many chocolate bars. "You have issues. You know what your problem is?"

"Whats that?" I ask before taking a bite into the bar.

"You're too damn sawft." She says, causing me to scoff. "So did you ask him this morning?"

"He was on set at four already." I roll my eyes.

"Girl... if you don't ask him if he been sleeping around, then I sure as hell will." She says as we enter the residents room.

"No you won't." I grumble, taking a seat on the couch, bringing my legs up to my stomach. "This is why I don't talk to you about shit. One reason being that Lauren doesn't want me to, and the second being that you think that you can solve everything with violence."

"Listen. The only reason that Lauren doesn't want us talking is because - "

"I heard my name." The Latina pushes her head through the door, causing Zendaya to roll her eyes.

Lauren smirks as she enters the room. "Mani, why are you sitting with trash?"

"Bullshit." Zendaya replies. "One, I'm not trash and two, Mani is sitting with me because she can, we're friends and we're all residents in the residents room."

"Look at you." Lauren teases as she goes over to her locker, pulling a blunt out. "Getting all smart. When did you get so smart Daya?" She pushes and shoves the blunt in her pocket.

"Don't call me that and don't tell me that you're going to get high." She replies, slightly concerned.

I'm the one with the syphilis and the actual problem, why are they on edge?

"Then I'm not telling you shit." Lauren shrugs, making her way to the door.

"Come on..." Z calls after her. "We've got surgery in less than two hours!"

"I do my best work high!" Lauren yells back from the hallway.

"She's going to be the death of me." Zendaya comments as she finishes her first chocolate.

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