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Normani Kordei Hamilton.

"Mani." Dinah mumbles and lightly pats my face. "Wake up."


She groans loudly. "I have to pee and its almost four fifteen."

"Dammit." I huff and get off of her, wiping the sleep out of my eyes.

She immediately gets up and jogs into the bathroom that's attached to my room.

I also have to pee, so I decide to use the bathroom in Kehlani's room, praying that she's not fucking anyone.

But to my surprise, when I open the door, she's not in there.

I shrug and go to her toilet to relieve myself.

When I'm done, I'm genuinely curious as to where my friend is at this time of the morning, so I walk into the living room, to find it empty.

Confused, I scratch my head and walk into the kitchen. "Oh My God." I shield my eyes. "Ally! We eat there."

"And I'm eating here." Kehlani replies. "Do we have a problem with that Normani?"

"Babe." Ally slaps Kehlani lightly. "Don't be rude to Normani. Apologize. Immediately."


"Kehlani, you had better apologize." Ally tells her sternly.

"Sorry Mani." She sighs.

I raise an eyebrow. "Uh, it's cool?" I shake my head. "Anyway, it's close to four thirty so you might want to get ready?"

"Will do." She says, in chief mode.

"Damn. That dominant tone is turning me on." Kehlani mumbles, kissing Ally's neck.

I am not here for this.

"Baby." Ally pushes her off. "Not now. I have to get to work."

"When will I get some time with my Shawty?" She asks with a pout.

I feel bad for watching, but I can't tear my eyes away from the strange, unusual couple.

"When I get off of work tonight and during my off day tomorrow." Ally pushes her off. "Now let me go shower."

''Need assitance?" Lani smirks.

"Such a fucking fuckboy." I mumble under my breath.

"Hey Mani, I - Dr. Hernandez? Oh My God." Dinah says, mortified, and runs back into my bedroom.

Kehlani's grin becomes ten times bigger. "You scored with pretty lady? Up top."

"Or not." She says as she catches Ally's glare.

"Normani." Ally says simply. "Did you sleep with an intern?"

"I actually slept. That's all I did." I defend myself. "Nothing else."

"Why are you sleeping with interns?" She asks.

"Because she's my wife. And secondly, I don't ask you why you're fucking my best friend." I roll my eyes.

"But I don't work with Kehlani." She says, hopping off the counter as Kehlani disappears from the conversation, because she knows that shit is about to go down.

"What's your point?"

"Are you giving her special treatment Normani?"

"What?" I ask, furrowing my brows. "Hell no."

"To think about it, it would explain a lot." She says, walking towards me. "Like you telling me to back off and be nicer or, or you choosing her as the intern to do the surgery."

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