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Normani Kordei Hansen?

"Are you sure Mani?" Bryshere's tone sounds questioning. "I don't see nothing here."

"Check in the drawer in the fridge." I sigh, trying to write down medicine doses while balancing the phone between my ear and my shoulder.

"It's not here." He sighs. "But it's cool, I'll just get something else for lunch on the road."

"Okay then." I reply, handing the nurse at the desk the page.

She nods and runs off.

"Have a nice day babe." I sigh in relief as I'm finally able to hold the phone in my hand.

"Mm you too. I love you."

"Love you too." I reply tiredly.

With that, he ends the call and I slip my cell phone back in my pocket, not before switching it off of course.

"Hamilton." Lauren smirks as she comes to stand next to me.

Lauren Jauregui is the hospital's best and only cardio surgeon. It's not a surprise though, she is kind of hard-core, not to mention that she loves blood.

"Jauregui." I try to suppress my yawn.

I've been up since four because the hospital paged me at that time.

Some family was involved in a huge accident and there was a lot of broken bones, so I was called in.

It's now two pm, and I haven't slept ever since.

"Ready for lunch?" She asks with a smirk.

"Yeah whatever." I shrug and follow her to the cafeteria, where we find Ally, waiting for us at a table.

"I'll get you some food." Lauren says. "Just go sit down, you're a walking zombie."

I nod gratefully. "Thank you so much."

Lauren may look like she could run you over with her car any day, even though she drives a motor cycle, but deep down inside, she's a really soft person.

I admire her for that, because she always puts up a strong front so that nobody messes with her.

"You look like trash." Ally comments as I sit down in front of her.

"Gee thanks." I mumble, rubbing my eyes with my hands.

"No seriously. Are you okay?" She asks, seriously.

"I'm fine Ally." I assure her. "I'm just a little tired."

"Well then maybe you should get some sleep." She suggests. "After lunch though because you need to eat."

"You're such a Mom." I groan.

"Yeah." She smiles. "But I'm your Mom. Im serious though, take a nap, I didn't see your name on the board today."

"Because it isn't there." I reply, trying to keep my eyes open. "And I hope it doesn't just magically appear there because I have no desire to be standing in an OR today."

"Aww Mani." Ally coos. "Just go to bed, okay?"

"Soon." I reply, watching as Lauren comes over with two trays. "Thanks." I mumble as she slides one to me.

"No problem." She replies happily and sits down next to me.

It's silent for a while, until Lauren decides to speak up again. "So Ally told me about the whole you and -"

"Ally!" I whine.

She gives me a look of innocence. "What? It's only Lauren. It's not like I told all the staff or something."

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