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Normani Kordei Hamilton.

"This is the last one, I promise."

"That's what you said about the last one." Dinah whines. "Come on, I'm tired and hungry. It's been a long day, I'm tired of working in Paeds and having kids throw up on me."

"Poor baby." I pout. "You wanted to work with Zendaya, so this is all on you."

"I wanted to explore my options, but I regret it so much." She says, looking out the window.

"Because you really hate the field?"

"Not only that." She shakes her head. "She keeps trying to get me to open up about our apparent sex life."

"You mean the non existent one?" I ask, following the directions from the GPS.

"Yeah that one."

"And what do you tell her?"

"That its non existent." She shrugs. "But she keeps insisting that we are getting busy because of all the hickies you leave on my neck." She playfully glares at me.

"What can I say?" I shrug. "I like caramel."

She rolls her eyes and shakes her head. "Promise this is the last one?"

"I swear to God."

She nods and continues to look out the window at the rain.

"It's cuddle weather." I mention, catching her eye. "Maybe we should... I don't know... cuddle, maybe more?"

"Yeah, I don't think that will be happening." She sighs. "We're never alone."

That's true. I've been so horny lately, but Dinah's house is always full and Kehlani is always home with Ally and they're always doing something indecent. Also, I dont want to fuck in the hospital. So, it doesn't look like I'm getting any anytime soon.

"We can just lock the door." I suggest. "We can watch whatever you want."

"Fine. But don't get mad when I fall asleep. I've been looking at damaged smoker lungs of a teenaged boy all day."

"I'm just as tired as you." I agree as I pull into the yard of the house for sale.

Its big and within my price range for sure, but the only problem is that its in my price range for a reason. This is a murder house.

I don't believe in ghosts and all of that shit, but that doesn't mean that I'm not scared.

"This place looks creepy." Dinah comments as I park in front of the garage. "Like one of those Scary Movie houses. Random houses in random places equals ghosts abducting you."

"First off, none, and I mean none, of the Scary Movies are actually scary. And two, maybe I like being isolated. Three, it's not creepy looking, it's just, unique."

"One, even though they weren't  scary, it was still disgusting as shit and two, stop trying to defend the fact that aliens and shit may abduct you during the night." She shrugs. "Now lets go in and see so we can get the hell out of here before Mama or something eats us."

"Mama wasn't that scary either." I reply, locking the car as we get out.

"Yes it was."

"No it wasn't."

"Yes, it was."

"No, it wasn't."

"Yes, it was."

"Is this all we're going to do for the rest of our lives? Argue like cat and dog?"

"Yeah." She nods, walking up to the door and waiting for me. "But you'll always cave first, because you do now."

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