Worst day ever

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It's 11:30am, the sun is shining, the birds are chirping and the bees are buzzing. A midnight blue 2016 Mustang GT speeds down the highway, swerving in and out of lanes, narrowly avoiding cars. A steady beat comes from the high definition speakers. A Hawaiian woman with well defined muscles, wearing a white v neck shirt and running shorts,  can be seen screaming along to the music with tears flowing down her eyes.

"Cause Baby, when you left, I lost apart of me, it's still so hard to believe!!" She sobs into the ice cream in her lap and turns up the volume. "COME BACK BABY PLEASE!! Cause we belong togetherrrrrrr, you douchebag!" She screams at the top of her lungs while one hand is on the steering wheel and the other brings the spoon down to get another scoop. Suddenly her music stops and her hands free system tells her that Leilani, her sister, is calling. "IGNORE!!! Stop interrupting my song!" The call is declined and she turns back up the volume.

Blue lights start flashing behind her just as she gets off the exit that leads to her home. "What no no no please no. Great just great. Another thing that's your fault, Sean!"

She pulls over to the side of the road and bumps her head against the steering wheel over and over. There's an abrupt knock at her window. Nalani looks up to see a dark blue uniform with the name Duncan on the name tag.  A beautiful strong jawed woman with brunette hair in a bun gives her a firm gaze.

Nalani openly stares at the officer before she knocks on the window again and motions for her to roll it down. She breaks out of her trance and rolls down the window.

"You doing alright today, ma'am?" Officer Duncan glances at Nalani's appearance, taking in her make up stained face and clothes."You were going pretty fast and swerving." She peeks into the car and searches for any signs of drugs or alcohol and notices its messy state. Then looks back at Nalani with a raised eyebrow.

"Nope everything is fine, Officer. My life has just completely fallen apart and you know when you're  younger, you promise yourself that you're not gonna let a man ruin your life and you're not gonna be so dependent on some man that when he leaves you don't know what to do with yourself?" She rambles. Officer Duncan just cocks her head  but nods for her to continue.

Nalani takes a deep breath. "Well I did and now I just want to get home, eat my ice cream, and cry until I can't anymore. Ya know?" She sighs and scoops another spoonful into her mouth.

"While I do understand your situation. You were speeding and driving, erratically. Can I see your license and registration?" Officer Duncan holds out her hand and Nalani grabs her information and gives it to her. She walks back to her police charger to put it in her computer. Nalani stares at her  butt through her rear view mirror and then notices her own appearance.

"Oh my god!" She immediately grabs some napkins she keeps in her car and wipes the mess from her face. She readjusts her hair as best as she can. Running her fingers through it to fluff it out. She straightens her v-neck and pulls it down to show off a decent amount of cleavage. Then she looks back at herself in the mirror.

"What am I doing? I don't even know if she's gay." She chastises herself.

Officer Duncan walks back while looking down at Nalani's license. "Your license and registration checks out." She looks back up and notices her change in appearance and does a double take. She glances down at her chest but quickly averts her eyes and coughs.

With a slight blush she hands her cards back and glares down at her hands, clenching and unclenching her fists. Berating herself for being so unprofessional. "I'm sor-" She starts to apologize but is cut off.

"Wow you are really muscular. What gym do you use." She interrupts while squeezing Officer Duncan's arm.

Taken aback by the sudden contact. She looks down at the golden brown hand on her arm and back at Nalani's eyes. " I um I-I mostly work out at the cop gym in th-the precinct."

"Well it shows." She gives her arm  another squeeze. "You know I own I'D HIT THAT, the mma gym downtown. You could really expand your workout if you trained there. I could get you a free membership if you want." She bribes with a flirtatious smile.

Officer Duncan narrows her eyes, "Are you trying to bribe me, Miss Kekoa?" Nalani shakes her head, "No of course not. You definitely don't need another gym. Your biceps are already so beautiful. I just want to help you expand your definition."

Officer Duncan chuckles, "Alright, how about this. If you don't drive crazy anymore and cry and eat ice cream at home. I'll let you off with a warning."

"Oh thank y---" Nalani starts. "But you've got to give me that free membership to your gym and an unlimited guest past." Officer Duncan interrupts with a smirk.

Nalani raises an eyebrow "Officer Duncan are you trying to extort me?" The officer leans closer to Nalani's face, "No I'm just picking up on what you're already offering. Drive safe ma'am" She winks at her, looks down at her chest one last time, gives her her warning slip. before walking back to her car.

Nalani sits with her mouth open gazing at the police charger as it drives away. She looks down at the slip of paper and sees the handwritten number on it right next to the name Cameron Duncan.

"Hmmm maybe this isn't the worst day ever." Nalani thinks to herself as she drives off with a smile on her face.

Author's Note: So that's it. Nalani is Hawaiian and owns a gym Cameron is a cop who pulls her over and there's an instant connection. Will that connection last or is it just fleeting flirtation? Tune in next time.

Can I get a warning, officer? (Lesbian Story) COMPLETEDWhere stories live. Discover now