Too Late to Apologize

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Authors Note: Welcome back! Fun fact this story was originally going to just be one chapter. Now, look at it Lol. Enjoy.

"So let me get this straight." Leilani began, " You cheated on a Mob boss with the mob boss' sister who is arguably the more viscous of the two. Then you decided to tell the viscous sister that you, the cheater, are going to take her sister away from their lucrative million dollar drug ring? Nevermind the fact that you cheated and up and left MY sister for a drug lord but are you just plain stupid?"

Seun huffs angrily as he looks out of the window in the far back seat of the mini van. His arms are crossed as he listens to literally everyone complain about how much of an idiot he is. Noah is driving and seething, his knuckles practically white from gripping the steering wheel so hard. Nalani is next to him in the passenger seat giving directions to the police station. She glances in the rear view mirror occasionally to inwardly chuckle at how uncomfortable Seun is. He is smushed against the window next to Nyko who is stretched out to make him as uncomfortable as possible while Leilani is on the other side of Nyko berating him.

He sometimes makes eye contact with her, his eyes pleading to her but she just grins innocently and focuses her eyes back to the road. After thirty more minutes of driving and yet another round of rhetorical questions from Leilani, he finally snaps.

"ALRIGHT! I get it! I'm the asshole who got everyone into this mess! It's all my fault and I deserve everything that's coming to me. I'm selfish and a jackass and I don't deserve anyone's love let alone anyone's pity. I'm sorry okay?" Everyone stares at Seun who looks back at them with tears in his eyes.

"Finally. I was wondering when that tactic would actually crack you." Luana spoke up from the middle seat. "Seriously, Leilani started this awhile ago who'd have thought it would have taken you this long to see how selfish your actions have been and to apologize for them." Anais and Reggie nod their heads in agreement, both holding popcorn bags.

Reggie puts up his fist like a microphone."But will that self -loathing yet terrible apology be enough for the viewers at home to believe that his character has truly developed?" He narrates and Anais joins him with her fake microphone, "Let's see if the heart broken ex-girlfriend thinks it's enough to forgive him?"

Nalani rolls her eyes and sticks her middle finger up at the rest of the car as Noah chuckles and pulls the van up to the station. She unbuckles her seat belt and slams the car door on her way out. Reggie and Anais both grimace as they watch her stomp away.

Reggie turns back to Seun, "OOO. Tough break kid. It looks like you're gonna have to do a lot more if you want the audience to believe your redemption arc is legitimate. Isn't that right, Jean?" He leans over to his sister. "That's right John." They both exit the van chuckling at their own antics.

Soon everyone else follows them out except for Seun. Nyko sticks his head back in the car. "Come on. It's time to own up." Seun shakes his head and glares at Nyko, " Bro, I thought we were friends? You introduced me to Nala. Why are you on their side?"

Nyko gets in the car and puts his arm around Seun. "I thought we were too. You told me you'd changed. YOU said you wouldn't treat her like you treated all the others. And for a second I believed you." Seun looks away, wringing his hands. He starts to speak but is interrupted. "No don't say anything. You obviously need some help with whatever is wrong with you mentally or emotionally that makes you hurt the people who care for you." Seun nods his head reluctantly.

Nyko's arm tightens around Seun's neck and his huge bicep and forearm crush his head in a lock. "Hey!" Nyko pulls Seun out of the car by his head. "I'm helping you 'Bro' this is the first step toward your recovery." They make it on to the side walk in front of the police station and next to the rest of the group before Nyko lets him go.

Can I get a warning, officer? (Lesbian Story) COMPLETEDWhere stories live. Discover now