Best Day Ever

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"Come on Cammy, you have to come to my barbecue. It'll be fuuuun." Hayden whines on the phone to her sister. Cameron sits in her police charger pinching her nose.

"No it will not be fun. It will be a bunch of your drunk firefighter friends and me. They will constantly call me Duncan Donuts and oink at me. They will inevitably dare you to do something crazy and you'll accept and then I'll have to drive you to the hospital. It. Will. Not. Be. Fun." Cameron sternly reiterates while watching the road for speeding or reckless drivers.

She was not supposed to be working today but was convinced by her partner to cover his patrol shift. She sighs and wonders why she can never say no. Hayden is still rambling and begging her to come to her party.

"Alright! I'll go to your barbecue if you just stop." Cameron says staring at the cars passing by not bothering to pull up the radar gun. She usually always follows the rules but today she's going by her partners logic of if they're going fast enough for my eyes to catch them they deserve a ticket. She rolls her eyes, she's basically her lazy ass partner today. She tunes back into what Hayden is saying after she hears her name.

"What?" She blinks. "I said I'm inviting Anaïs again. She's great. She's buff, she's super funny, and she's super gay like you. You guys would make a great couple."

Cameron chuckles sarcastically. She loves it when Hayden tries to set her up with her coworkers and by love she means hates. "If she's so great why don't you date her? Hmmm."

Hayden just laughs a little too loudly. "You know I only like penis. Yep that's me strictly dickly."  Hayden says unconvincingly.

"Well if she's as gay as you say im sure she has penis somewhere, in her nightstand." Hayden laughs nervously at Cameron's joke. "Wait, Really? Is that a thing? Do lesbians have penises in drawers?" Cameron looks incredulously at her phone.

"Yes. How do you not know thi--" She stops suddenly when she sees a blue mustang GT speed down the road swerving in and out of traffic. "Hay, I'm gonna have to call you back. Remember to pick up your new prescription and take your meds." She buckles her seat belt and turns on her cruiser, radioing in that she's pursuing someone.

"Fine." Hayden sighs dramatically. "I'll take my meds. Don't get shot." The phone hangs up. Cameron just chuckles to herself. I love you too. She thinks, pulling out of her hiding spot going after the car.

As she gets behind the car and the car starts to slow, she frowns. Probably some hotshot douchebag who doesn't care about speed limits and is rich enough to pay off any speeding ticket. She thinks while getting her booklet and stepping out of the car.

"Well you're gonna get a big ticket today, douche." She puts on her aviator shades to look more menacing as she makes her way to the car. The driver hasn't rolled down the window and is banging their head on the steering wheel. She's surprised to see a muscular woman with long hair in a high ponytail and golden brown skin. She hasn't noticed Cameron at her window. Cameron laughs as she watches the strange woman and waits to be noticed.

She knocks on the window to get her attention when the driver doesn't notice her and puts on a stern "cop face". The mask slips minutely as the woman stares up at her with tears in her eyes and her make up smudged.

Cameron takes a tiny step back. She immediately recognizes her as the very attractive gym owner who she's been crushing on after touring her gym three weeks ago. The gym was suggested to her by the yoga instructor who comes into the precinct gym to teach occasionally.

Nalani continues to gaze at her until Cameron composes herself and attempts to do her job. The mask firmly slipped back into place.

After hearing Nalani ramble about her boyfriend dumping her and internally squealing she walks back to her car with her license and registration. She knows she should give Nalani a ticket for going 100 on a 70 mph road but she can't bring herself to. Her crush on her aside she understands how Nalani feels.

Anytime Hayden ends a serious relationship it's usually due to her bipolar depression and she ends up going off her meds and being reckless with her life. She fully understands the impulsivity of doing something dangerous to ignore or get rid of your feelings. She loves Hayden and knows from experience that the worst thing you could do to someone going through an extreme low period is make it worse, unnecessarily.

With her mind made up about only giving Nalani a warning, she heads back to Nalani's car. Looking down at the papers she begins to hand them back, "So your license and registration checks out." She glances at Nalani but does a double take at her hastily put together appearance and ample amount of cleavage that is now on display. She gulps as she looks back at Nalani's face her eyes slightly wide in horror at her unprofessionalism.

God I just stared at her chest for like ten minutes. I'm such a pervert.  She thinks to herself.

"I'm so sorr--" She starts when she feels a hand on her bicep. Wait what is she doing?

"Wow you're really muscular what gym do you use?" She interrupts while squeezing her arm. Cameron looks down at the hand on her arm then back at Nalani. "I um I-I mostly work out at the cop gym in th-the precinct." She stutters. Oh god she's touching me!

"Well it shows." She gives her arm another squeeze. "You know I own I'D HIT THAT, the mma gym downtown. You could really expand your workout if you trained there. I could get you a lifetime membership if you want." She bribes with a flirtatious smile on her face.

Great. She sighs. She's flirting with me to get out of a ticket. Of course she is. She just got dumped. BY A MAN. Still I'm not gonna ticket her no reason why I can't get something out of it. She thinks channeling her partner again, knowing this is not something she would normally do.

"Are you trying to bribe me, Miss Kekoa?" Nalani shakes her head, "No of course not. You definitely don't need another gym. Your biceps are already so beautiful. I just want to expand your definition."

Wow, she is pouring it on thick. Cameron chuckles to herself,  "Alright, how about this. If you don't drive crazy anymore and cry and eat ice cream at home I'll let you off with a warning."

"Oh thank y---" Nalani starts. "But you've got to give me that free membership to your gym and an unlimited guest pass." Cameron interrupts with a smirk.

Nalani raises an eyebrow "Officer Duncan are you trying to extort me?" Cameron leans closer to Nalani's face, "No I'm just picking up on what you're already offering. Drive safe, ma'am." She winks at her, looks down at her chest one last time and gives her a warning slip before walking back to her car.

As Cameron drives off she shakes her head in disbelief.  She can't believe she flirted with her crush and broke a bunch of very important rules. Technically laws, if she's being honest but she can't help but smile. So what a straight girl flirted and bribed her to get out of a ticket and she flirted back.

She was feeling the ultimate confidence boost and was finally enjoying her day. She presses a button on her phone, "Siri text Hayden, Guess who just got free passes to the hottest gym in town?"

Author's Note: Tune in next time. Also Please let me know what you think. I'll update this pretty often and it'll be a little more adult than my other stories. Dealing with issues of mental health and other things. Thanks for reading!

Can I get a warning, officer? (Lesbian Story) COMPLETEDWhere stories live. Discover now