Amy Poehler

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Cameron bangs on Hayden's door, urgently. "Hayden! You've been avoiding my calls and texts for days! Open up!" She paces at her sister's door for about five seconds before she gives up and grabs the spare key inside the ceramic Dalmatian on her porch.

When she opens the door she sees the house in states of various disarray. Clothes are everywhere, trash thrown around, furniture is upside down.

She looks around for her sister in the mess, then hears voices coming from the basement. She rolls her eyes and thinks to herself, of course.

She makes her way across the room turning furniture right side up as she goes. She walks into her sisters state of the art kitchen, that is now a complete mess. She rolls up her sleeves and starts cleaning.

After thirty minutes the kitchen is spotless. Cameron pulls down the freshly washed tea kettle and puts it on to boil. She pulls out a packet of green tea infused with lavender and starts cleaning the living room while waiting for the kettle. It goes off and she sits at the table and waits, letting the sound continue.

She suddenly hears the voices down the stairs stop and foosteps shuffling up the stairs. Her sister comes into view. Bags under her eyes and a blanket over her firefighter onesie. She glares at Cameron and stalks over to the tea kettle and turns it off.

"If I wanted to talk to you I would have answered your calls." She sits down at the kitchen table in a huff and crosses her arms. Cameron gets up and goes to the kettle, pours the water and dunks the tea bag.  She brings the cup over to her sister and sets it in front of her. Hayden rolls her eyes but reluctantly takes a sip. She hmms and continues drinking.

Cameron smiles gently, "So how is Amy Poehler this time?" Hayden shrugs her shoulders and continues drinking. "Her and April are garbage women."

Cameron raises her eyebrows,"You made it all the way to season 6? Past all her movies? How many days have you been awake?"

Hayden stands abruptly and goes to pour herself more tea, her back is to her when she answers, "You don't know. Maybe I started with the show this time." She turns around and Cameron is in front her. She grabs the cup and the tiny empty whiskey bottle that was in her onesie pocket. She pours out her tea and makes a fresh cup.

"But I do know. You start with Saturday night live, then her movies and then parks and rec. Which means you've been like this for about a week and a half and that's only if you at least have slept a little bit. Judging by your freakin face you havent." Cameron crosses her arms as Hayden insecurely touches her face and drops her shoulders.

"How long?" She taps her foot as Hayden looks away guiltily. "I've been off them for two weeks but I started Amy a week ago." Cameron's eyes go wide. "Two Weeks!? Are you freaking kidding me?! And you didn't talk to me? I'm always here for you!"

Cameron gets into her face and yells, "I've always taken care of you! Why didn't you come to me! I thought I taught you better than this! I--"

Hayden pushes her away from her face with tears in her eyes."This is. Not. About. You! This is my life! Everything has always been about you!" Cameron gasps and stares, wide eyed at her sister. "You're the perfect one. The one mom could accept no matter what. The one who could control her emotions and pay attention in school and get good grades. The one who didn't need therapy because "even though shes queer at least she can PRETEND to be NORMAL!"

Cameron slumps down in the chair beside her and stares up at her sister. Hayden is shaking, her lip quivering as she speaks. "The first time IT happened." Cameron gets up and rushes to her. "Hay you don't have to--" "No. I do." She pushes her away again.

Can I get a warning, officer? (Lesbian Story) COMPLETEDWhere stories live. Discover now