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WUZZZZZUUUPPP. Thanks for reading my story that took way too long to write. I do appreciate everyone who stuck with me though and I appreciate those who wait until the story is done to read it too. I get it. I started this one when I was in college and now I'm not in college so I hope the writing got a bit better. I'm working on getting my masters in creative writing so one day my stories will be even better to read. Anyway, enough about me. Here's the thrilling conclusion to Hot Cop bones Hot gym owner. Thanks for reading 😆

This is mostly sex, the extensive detail happens after the ////////


Rosita fake gags and everyone else nods in agreement with the mock sentiment. Luana looks around suddenly, "Where are Nalani and Cameron?"


Nalani speeds down the road in her GT mustang, swerving in and out of traffic. Her music blasting as she sings along to it.

"I pray for the wicked on the weekennnnnd! Mama can I get another ameeeeeen!" She bobs her head and taps on the steering wheel as she drives. She narrowly misses another driver who cuts her off. She honks her horn at him. The driver flicks her off, and she rolls her eyes speeding past him.

"Douche bag is lucky I have somewhere to be" she yells as she turns up her volume up louder. She pulls off the highway, speeding along a back-road cleared of other drivers. "I SWEAR TO GOD I AINT EVER GONNA REPE-" Her screeching is cut short by the blue lights flashing in the rearview. She smirks as she slows down and goes off to the side of the road. She changes the song to the next one on her queue.

The officer walks up to her window and taps. She smiles innocently as she rolls it down. She looks up sharply and frowns. Officer Ramirez rolls her eyes behind her aviator shades at the song that's playing through Nalani's speakers. Mrs. Officer by Lil Wayne was the most cliche song she could have picked.

"Ma'am could you turn off the radio." Nalani nervously nods her head and turns it off. This is not going according to plan. She tries to put on her best get out of a ticket smile as she reaches for her wallet. The officer chuckles at the confident smile that's gone from the woman. "Do you know how fast you were going ma'am?" She asks rhetorically.

"I'm sorry I don't. I'm late for my own party act—". The officer cuts her off, "That's no excuse for endangering your life and the lives of others. License and registration."

Nalani gulps and hands it to her and the officer walks away. She rolls up the window and bangs her head on the steering wheel. "Shit!" Now I'm not gonna get laid and I'll hear I told you so from Cameron. "Shit. Shit. Shit." She repeats over and over while banging her head.

She's so busy banging her head she doesn't see or hear the motorcycle pull up or the exchange of handshakes between two officers or even the police car drive away. As Officer Duncan makes her way to the driver side window of her fiance's car she laughs thinking back to their first meeting. It looked exactly like this one only the circumstances are much better. She shakes her head and taps on the window wiping the smile off her face.

Nalani jumps, rolling down her window ready to apologize to the officer when she halts and looks up to see Cameron in full uniform. "You Asshole!" she opens her car door and gets out and pokes Cameron hard in the chest. "I thought we had a plan!" She pokes her again. "What the hell happened?" This time she shoves her hard enough to make her stumble. Officer Duncan whips off her shades and glares harshly at Nalani.

Nalani halts her movement at the looks she's receiving and gulps. "Cam?" She reaches out and Cameron grabs her hand, twisting it around her back. Her other arm joins, and she's put in metal handcuffs. Cameron slams her against her car pushing her feet apart. She leans her body against Nalani's and whispers harshly, "it's Officer Duncan." She pulls away as she sees a car in the distance and pulls Nalani to the other side of the car not facing the street. "And you just assaulted an officer."

Can I get a warning, officer? (Lesbian Story) COMPLETEDWhere stories live. Discover now