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All the cops in the precinct are wide eyed and speechless as they watch their fellow detective giggle while pointing a gun at a civilian.

"You should see all of your faces right now. You guys are all like whaaaaat." She mocks.

Cameron is still shocked, "But how? You've worked here for years. You were the youngest woman ever to be promoted to detective in this precinct. You're my mentor. Why?"

"Well to be quite honest I was planning on staying here collecting a nice pension. Keeping the heat off of us while working on taking out the competition but then this idiot." She knocks her gun against Seun's head lightly but still hard enough to hurt. "Decided to blow everything."

"I mean, he had to. You were gonna kill him just because he stupidly fell in love with your sister." Nalani speaks up from beside Cameron. The precinct gets quiet as all the henchmen suddenly stop moving and look at their boss.

Rosa stares for a few seconds blank faced then bursts out laughing, uncontrollably. The henchmen join in. Every single one of them letting out a gut busting laugh. Rosa literally starts slapping her knee.

"Oh my god!" She struggles to breathe as Seun tries to slink away. She grabs him back roughly wrapping her gun arm around Seuns shoulders, pushing the gun against his cheek.

"Is that what he told you?!" She says coming down from her laughing fit. "You think my sister would fall in love with this guy? Who would do that?" She turns to Nalani, "No offense. But come on Sis. You can do better." Then she giggles to herself looking back at an even more confused Cameron. "Oh wait, you already have."

Cameron steps up to Rosa and the gun pointed behind her head moves closer. "So wait. What's going on then?"

"This man here." She pushes Seun back into the chair he previously sat in and moves around to grip his shoulders. "Is a liar, an adulterer, and a thief."

Everyone gasps again. Reggie and Anaïs have retrieved their popcorn and are eating it. Reggie leans into his sister and whispers, "This is better than cable." Anaïs nods her head in agreement. Leilani stands beside them and shushes them before reaching for some popcorn herself.

Rosa starts pacing dramatically. "So let's start from the beginning shall we? Flashback to about...hmm." She turns back to Nalani, "How long have you had the gym? One to two years? Anyway, this new gym shows up. Some of our guys want to go to it. So I'm like cool keep it legal cause it's a respectable business. So everything is good for a few weeks. In comes this idiot." She knocks Seun's head again with her gun.

"OW! Could you stop doing that!" He covers his head as she hits him again.

"Shut up!" She turns back to her captivated audience. "Why are men so annoying?" She clears her throat. "Anyway as I was saying. They were being good boys when this douchebag heard who they worked for." She gestures toward herself. "And then he begged to get in on the business."

"He did?!" Nalani screeches, she lunges toward Seun but is held back by Cameron.

"I know right?" Rosa pulls Seun's head back by his hair. "But after begging and then being rejected, he stalked my men so much they had to stop going to the gym because we thought he might be DEA but even they aren't that stupid."

Her henchmen nod in agreement. "So we do a little digging on our little friend here and it turns out he's in mountains of debt. With like everyone." She starts counting on her fingers, " The IRS, loan sharks, credit card companies, it even seems he owes his mother for a couple grand. So we decided we'd use him and his business as a front to launder and sell and in exchange, he'd be employed by our organization."

Can I get a warning, officer? (Lesbian Story) COMPLETEDWhere stories live. Discover now