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"So you're married."

Rosa rolls her eyes and exhales, "Looking through the scope of her sniper rifle at the building ahead. The radio buzzes in her ear for the twentieth time tonight with the same question from people on different channels. "Ugh yes. How many times must I answer this question."

From on the ground their team is spread out across the dock in tactile gear and assault rifles. Rosita chuckles from her vantage point on another building. "They have a right to their questions."

The radio buzzes again, "We sure do. Especially if some crazy wife is going to come after me and my girlfriend because we slept with you." Anaïs says from the surveillance van that her and Reggie are in. Reggie nods his head before relaying where another security guard is located in the building near the dock.

They are steadily watching the monitors making sure each camera has a good view of the team so no surprises are had.

"Of course not. We hate each other. And I hate relationships." She takes down a guard standing around the corner where Nalani and Cameron are about to be. They see the dead body and continue on giving Rosa a thumbs up.

"Then why are you married." Hayden's voice comes not from her ear but from right behind her. Rosa rolls her eyes before looking back through her scope.
"Why is the firefighter even here?"

Hayden chuckles, "You needed someone to watch your six."

"And she begged to come and she wouldn't stay home." Cameron speaks up, "Freaking sister's man they are so annoying."

Rosita, Nalani, and Reggie all agree over the radio while a chorus of heys come from their siblings.

"Also why are there so many female siblings on this team." Reggie speaks up, "If this were a movie it wouldn't make sense."

Anaïs chimes in, "If this were a book it wouldn't make sense either."

There's another chorus of agreements from everyone and then everyone starts talking all together.

"Would you all shut up. Focus on the mission and let's just get this done. We have drugs and money to steal and sex trafficked women to rescue. It won't get done with your constant yammering." Nyko says before entering his side of the building.

There's a chorus of sorry Nyko or sorry Dads sarcastically and Nyko rolls his eyes. After a few sweet seconds of silence for him someone speaks up.

"For the record if this were a story. I would be the best character." Nalani explains.

The chatter ramps up again and Nyko just sighs before something hard hits the back of his head and he hits the ground.

Authors Note: FINALLY some plot, am I right? Lol

Short But more is coming. Let me know how it's going for you; like and comment.

Question of the chapter: Who is your favorite character?

Can I get a warning, officer? (Lesbian Story) COMPLETEDWhere stories live. Discover now