The Cookout

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Music can be heard blasting from the stereo system in Nalani's backyard as her friends and family chatted and sat around her pool.  There are decorations lining the deck and rows of tables with what seems to be an endless amount of food. The music was playing from professional stereo equipment and Nalani's Mom manned a giant grill. Cameron and Hayden stood at the entrance of the backyard, beer and sodas in hand, staring at all the people in the spacious backyard.

Hayden sees Leilani  playing in the pool with the neighbor's three year old and smiles. She elbows Cameron to start moving into the party but Cameron is still searching for Nalani.

"This is too much right?" A voice calls out from behind them, startling the cop and firefighter. They turn around to see Nalani in a bright blue bikini and a giant bowl of potato salad in hand. Hayden takes the bowl from her, kisses her cheek and scurries off toward the food.

"I don't usually throw parties or anything very big because Seun never liked having that many people around his house. I may have over done it." Nalani says sheepishly.

Cameron chuckles and wraps her arm around her, "Babe, you threw the party you wanted to throw and as long as it's good enough for you, it's perfect." She kisses her cheek and waves back at Leilani waving at her.

Nalani doesn't notice as she just stares at Cameron, lovingly while she looks away. She's about to say something when she's interrupted. "Your sister keeps trying to get your attention." She turns to look at her sisters crossed arms and smirk after finally looking at her.

Nalani rolls her eyes, "Remember last night when I told you I had a tail? Well I also was a klepto when I was a kid. Leia used to call me swiper from Dora the explorer. Something to do with me being a thieving fox." She murmured.

Cameron coughs to cover up her laughter at Nalani's exposure of her secret but it's not very convincing.

"Yea yea laugh it up." She crosses her arms and starts walking away. "Baby wait." Cameron says behind her. Nalani stops and smiles without turning around secretly loving the pet names that Cameron keeps using.

Cameron wraps her arms around Nalani from behind and kisses her neck. "I'm sorry I laughed. But you keep blurting out random embarrassing stories and they keep getting worse and worse.  You've told me so many things about your past and I love it but why?"  Nalani shivers at her girlfriends warm breath on her neck and closes her eyes, leaning into her warm embrace.  She's about to spill the beans about the bet and take her upstairs just from how good it feels in her arms.

"Hey where's your dad?" Cameron lets go of her suddenly looking around. Nalani frowns and opens her eyes disappointed at the lack of warmth. "He said he wanted to go out and run some errands." She looks at her watch. He should have been back by now though."

She looks around the backyard, "Maybe I should call him?" Then she sees her sister staring at Hayden strip her tshirt off to reveal her bikini. Nalani can see her sister's drool from here. "First I have to settle a score." She choruses before rushing to whisper something in her sister's ear, laughs when she gets punched in the arm and goes inside to get her phone.

Cameron stands flabbergasted before going over to her sister and Leilani. She over hears Leilani at a loss for words for the first time.

"So I know you've never asked and so I've never said anything soooo I've got to be honest with you....." She pauses as both Cameron and Hayden look on perplexed and waiting for her to go on. "Ok here goes. I'm 36 years old, I'm a polyamorous pansexual. I've been divorced three times. I'm not really a vegan. I eat whole blocks of cheese when I'm sad. I don't smoke weed as much as I say I do. I've never seen Star Wars . I cheated on my last two husbands. I lied just now I'm really thirty seven. My birthday is on Friday." She rushes out quickly gasping for breath.

Cameron and Hayden stare wide eyed at this new influx of information. Hayden shakes off her confusion and glares at Leilani. "Ok why didn't you say any of this before?" Leilani takes a deep breath before looking down at the ground sheepishly, "You didn't ask?"

Cameron scoffs and moves away wanting to get out of this situation as quickly as possible. She speed walks to Luana at the grill catching the beginning of Hayden's  lie by omission speech.

"Anything I can help you with?" Luana flips a burger and smiles at Cameron. "You can find my husband. The test ribs are almost ready and he has called first dibs but if he isn't here soon. I'm going to give the first batch to sweet Nyko here." Nyko blushes as he continues plating food that is ready to be served. Cameron chuckles, "I think Nala was going to call him. I'll go see if she did."

She reaches for the back door into the house when Nalani comes out with a frown. "Dad says his errands are running longer than expected." She walks over to her mother, "He says to go ahead and give the test batch of ribs to your new boyfriend. " she chuckles at Nyko who quickly turns around. Luana scoffs, "That man is always up to something and it always makes him late. He's gonna miss all the fun. Oh well." She shrugs going back to the grill.

Cameron frowns as she watches Nalani chat with her mother. Something doesn't feel right to her, she walks into the house and pulls out her phone to make a few calls.


Eventually all the food gets cooked and everyone stands around the giant buffet. Nalani's father still hasn't shown up and she's starting to get worried. Also Cameron has grown quiet and is checking her phone every two minutes. She's contemplating these events when her mother nudges her to say a few words before they eat.

"Thanks everyone for being here. I know it's been a rough couple of months for me but I'm back on my feet and I have all of you to thank for it." She looks over the crowd to Cameron who has a sad smile. She stutters, " w-when HE left I thought I wouldn't ever be happy again but now I am glad to be here with you all. Either you were a shoulder to cry on or helped me drink my sorrows or you were just there for me. It's because of all of you that I'm here today happier than ever. Enjoy the food." Everyone cheers and pats Nalani on the back as she moves through the crowd to get to Cameron, who is staring at her sadly waiting for her to reach her. She sees Cameron get a call and turn her back to her. She's about to reach her when she hears car tires screech from the front of the house.

Car doors slam and she hears her dad yelling, "HELP! HELP!" She looks at Cameron who is turned around now. They look into each other's eyes for a split moment in time before they both run to the front of the house. Everyone else from the party not far behind.

There in her fathers arms beaten and bloody was--

"SEUN!!!" Nalani screams.

Dun dun duuuuuuuuunnnnnn. Who saw that coming? Raise your hands. Anyway this was short but more is coming. Let me know what you think. Also question how do you deal with jealousy?

Can I get a warning, officer? (Lesbian Story) COMPLETEDWhere stories live. Discover now