Chapter 4

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"I can see why you call him Toothless." Tooth smiled. Her hands were in Toothless's mouth. "I can't see any teeth." Toothless shook Tooth off and bared his teeth. "Oop, there they are."

"He doesn't like when people put their hands in his mouth." Hiccup said. Toothless saw one of the small fairies and started to chase it. His tail was knocking over yetis and tables. "Toothless stop!" Hiccup yelled just as Toothless had caught the fairy in his mouth. Hiccup glared at Toothless. Toothless opened his mouth to let the fairy out. Tooth sped in and grabbed the small fairy. She held the fairy to her body. Hiccup shook his head at Toothless.

"Are you alright?" Tooth asked the fairy. The fairy nodded.

"Sorry, about that. I can't really... control him sometimes." Hiccup sighed. Tooth frowned. Hiccup lead Toothless away from Toothiana. He hopped into his saddle. His prosthetic foot clicked in. Jack suddenly realised that Hiccup had lost a foot. Jack moved closer to Hiccup.

"So, how'd that happen?" Jack asked. Hiccup looked down. That memory was not one he was fond of. Jack realised what he just asked. "Sorry, you don't have to answer, I just, wasn't really thinking."

"No, it's alright. Before I met Toothless the Vikings weren't really fond of dragons. And I was considered pathetic. Then I tested one of my inventions, and it hit Toothless. He fell and I went to look for him. When I found him I knew I was meant to kill him, but I didn't. I started studying him and he became my pet, and no one knew about it. Then one day I found the dragons nest. Then my father found out and he chained Toothless and Toothless lead them to the mother of all dragons, the Red Death. I got there with a few of my other friends and other captured dragons. I defeated the Red Death but in the process I almost lost my life. But Toothless saved me." Hiccup smiled and patted Toothless. Merida walked in an jumped onto Toothless. She pulled out an apple and started eating it. North walked in. He gave a map to Jack.

"I've marked where you're going to." He said. Jack opened the map. It was some sort of country and a red mark on it. Jack rolled the map up and put it in his pocket.

"I'm confused about something though. I saw Jamie a week ago. How are we in Viking times?" Jack asked.

"Some snow globes tend to change time. It's confusing." North said. Jack hopped on Toothless's tail. Toothless jumped up and flew off. Jack was holding on lightly. Toothless flew up into the clouds. Merida laughed in excitement. And so their adventure had begun.

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