Chapter 26

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Merida and Rapunzel carried their fish in. Wide smiles covered their faces.
"Thirteen fish, plus your eight, that's nineteen, twenty, twenty one fish!" Rapunzel said gladly. Hiccup had his fire going.
"These fish are pretty big. I don't think even Toothless could eat this many let alone us." Hiccup said. He started cooking a fish.
"Well I could just put mine back, they're only frozen." Jack said. He nervously giggled. Rapunzel smiled at him, her face turned slightly red. Jack started pushing the block of ice back into the water. Rapunzel sat down. Hiccup kept cooking the fishes in the fire. Merida sat behind Rapunzel and started putting her hair into smaller braids. Jack watched. After they had eaten Merida finally finished Rapunzel's hair. It was a mess of smaller braids braided into bigger braids that once again were braided into a bigger braid. Merida smiled at her handy work. She noticed Jack frowning at her. She screwed her nose back at him. Jack looked back as if he was offended. He looked away from her. Rapunzel laid back in the grass that surrounded the fire. He looked like she had made a snow angel out the grass. Everyone was quiet. Merida stretched and yawned.
"Night all." She said. She lied down and went to sleep.
"I better hit the hay." Rapunzel said. She went to lay down when Jack stopped her.
"Wait, there's something I need to tell you." He said. "Hiccup found Mother Gothel crying in the woods."
"Well what did you do?" She asked Hiccup.
"Nothing!" He said defensively.
"But she said she was crying because Pitch gave her the boot." Jack said.
"But why would she get kicked out?" Rapunzel asked. Jack looked at Merida. Rapunzel followed his gaze.
"What? No, it wouldn't be because of her." Rapunzel silently argued.
"But we did see her make a deal with Pitch and tthat's apparently what made Pitch drop Gothel." Jack said.
"So you're saying you trust my- Mother Gothel over me?" Rapunzel asked. Jack shook his head.
"No, I'm just saying why else would she let us find her crying in the woods?" Jack said.
"I don't know, maybe to trick us? I mean she is evil after all." Rapunzel said. "Merida isn't the bad guy."
"What makes you so sure?" Jack argued.
"The moon." She said.
"You didn't even see what the moon said." Hiccup added.
"I did, but it was at my home. I saw three other shadows on the wall. I didn't know what it meant until I saw you guys." Rapunzel said guiltily.
"Why didn't you tell us?" Jack asked.
"I didn't think any of you would care." Rapunzel said. Jack let out a frustrated sigh. "I'm going to sleep. Wake me in the morning."
"Okay." Jack said. Rapunzel lied down and went to sleep. "I still don't trust her." Jack whispered.
"We'll sort this out later. Just go to sleep." Hiccup replied. He rolled over and went to sleep. Jack lied down and closed his eyes.

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