Chapter 38

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Hiccup smiled. The wind blew through his hair. He felt good. Merida gave Hiccup a small squeeze. Suddenly she pulled back as Rapunzel screamed.

"What happened?" Hiccup and Merida asked.

"Jack! He fell off!" Rapunzel squealed. She looked down. Merida moaned. Suddenly a loud laughed emerged from under Toothless. "What was that?"

"That was me!" Jack yelled. Rapunzel looked around for him. He shot up in front of Toothless. Toothless reared in midair. Jack sailed down and landed on Toothless' back. Rapunzel stared at him in awe.

"But you were-" Rapunzel stuttered.

"It's great to know that you love me." Jack interrupted. Hiccup shook his head. Suddenly he noticed something.

"Hey guys! I think we're here!" He called. He opened the map.

"But there's no tower." Merida called.

"Well it says there's one the map." He said. "So I guess we're going to go down." Everyone fell silent as Toothless started descending. Toothless landed quietly. Hiccup slid off as everyone else jumped off. They took a few steps away from Toothless. It was an opening in the forest. Seven stones were placed in a circle around them. Jack darted his head around. Merida straightened her back.

"Guys, I recognise this place." She said. "This is where I saw the wisps. This is where I turned my mum back."

"So what does that mean?" Jack asked. Suddenly something shot out of the surrounding forest. It hit Toothless knocking him in the opposite direction. He disappeared into the forest. Hiccup gasped.

"Toothless!" He called. He couldn't see where Toothless had gone. "Toothless bud! Where are you?"

"Oh you won't be needing him anymore." A voice said. Jack shot towards where the voice came from.

"Come out Pitch!" Jack yelled.

"I knew you wanted to see me." Pitch said. Pitch emerged in between everyone. Everyone turned to face him.

"I don't want to see you." Jack said. Suddenly an arrow shot through Pitch and almost hit Jack.

"Sorry." Merida said. Pitch smiled.

"Oh course you do! Why else would you bring your friends?"

"To kick your butt." Rapunzel said. Pitch laughed even more.

"And so the love interest joins in." Pitch said.

"Is that my little Rapunzel I can hear?" A female voice cooed. Rapunzel gasped.

"No." She whispered.

"Oh it is!" The voice called. Mother Gothel appeared behind Pitch.

"No!" Rapunzel screamed. "You died! You're meant to be dead."

"But I'm not." Mother Gothel sung.

"But-" Rapunzel mumbled.

"What did I say about the mumbling?" Gothel said snidely.

"Why don't you just shut it?" Merida yelled. Gothel turned to face Merida. Her bottom jaw hung out. Merida quietly gasped.

"So I finally get to meet the fiery redhead." Gothel said.

"And I get to meet the horrid Gothel at last." Merida retorted. Gothel glared. Suddenly Pitch appeared behind Hiccup.

"And here we have the weak link." Pitch said. Hiccup went to punch Pitch but he disappeared before he could. He went off balance. Pitch appeared behind him again and pushed him over. "The boy who's nothing without his pet."

"Don't listen to him." Merida said. She pulled back an arrow. Pitch appeared behind her.

"Oh, and the redhead. The traitor, the betrayer of trust, the one who no one believes." Pitch cooed. Merida scowled at him.

"That's not true!" Rapunzel yelled. "I trusted you! Always!"

"Blondie, feeling trapped? It must be a real surprise to see your mother again." Pitch smiled.

"She's not my mother." Rapunzel said. her knuckles whitened from gripping her pan. Pitch appeared behind her.

"Really? Because you always seem to say my, before you say Mother Gothel." Pitch said deviously. Rapunzel glared at Pitch.

"Just because you're alone. No one fears you! All you are, all you will ever be, is just a myth! Something no one cares about!" Rapunzel said. Pitch raised his arm to hit her.

"Don't you touch her!" Jack yelled. He held his staff and aimed it at Pitch. Pitch laughed and shook his head. He appeared behind Jack. Jack turned around and aimed his staff at Pitch. Pitch lightly pushed the staff away.

"Does Jack Frost with a heart of ice have feelings for little miss Rapunzel?" Pitch teased.

"All I said was not to touch her." Jack said. Pitch laughed.

"You know you'll outgrow her." Pitch said. "I mean she's only mortal and you'll live forever."

"At least she won't be the one with the burden." Jack said. Rapunzel lowered a bit.

"Hm." Pitch hummed. Suddenly he appeared in the middle again with Mother Gothel. They were back to back. "Well, I guess if you all have feelings for each other, it would be a shame for all of you to be in pain." Pitch said as he threw his hands out. Black sand shot out towards Hiccup Merida and Rapunzel. They fell to the ground. Jack watched them. For the first time in years he felt... Hopeless.

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